Saturday, October 15, 2016

She Rises with Strength and Purpose

Felicity Corbin Wheeler is a passionate fighter.

She has faced the hardest of adversity in her life.

The loss of a beautiful 20-year old daughter to cancer...

And then the devastating diagnosis of pancreatic cancer that she herself faced in 2003.

Felicity's journey into the world of cancer led her down paths of heartache and pain, but she has risen with an astounding strength and purpose to see others healed with the inexpensive, immune system building, detoxing, body-mind-spirt-environment program that she says saved her life.

She shares this life-saving, common sense information in her Get Well Stay Well course and is a staunch advocate of natural healing therapies.

But if you're like me, and either have cancer or are waking beside a loved one with cancer, you want the nitty-gritty details... Ok, so you survived and did it naturally.  What exactly does that mean???

Felicity's generosity is larger than the Texas sky... on her website she shares in great detail her path out of the cancer wasteland... Here is a portion:

Six weeks to live! That was my diagnosis in 2003
But I have been blessed with a complete healing from a terminal pancreatic cancer diagnosis with this Bible based nutritional and cleansing information. I have the scans to prove it!
And this information, which heals EVERY disease, is here for anyone with the intelligence to do some research.


Now, at last there is a paradigm shift in medicine.
The most intelligent, experienced doctors around the world know that chronic degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, digestive diseases, and all other diseases are not eliminated by chemical medicine.
We need to detox from the chemical foods, drinks, air and stressful lifestyle that we have become addicted to.  We also need to revert to living plant foods, juices, and the peace of natural surroundings, exercise and fresh air.
Caffeinated drinks, loaded with sugar and chemicals make us sick. So does animal protein, which is dead flesh. Life can never come from dead flesh of another animal, with all the contaminants that animal carried. This includes dairy, which doctors now know is the main cause of sickness in the 21st century. Mother’s milk is the perfect food for offspring of each particular species, but drinking the milk of another animal makes mucoid placque in the body. This is the root cause of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and digestive disease. Meat and Dairy are now known as the “MAD DIET.”
For generations we have been duped by the multinational food corporations, backed by politicians, into believing food myths, which are killing us.
The gullible public have believed that governments are looking out after them, that health experts have our best interests at heart.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Goverments are only interested in the bottom line, financially. They want to have a healthy, productive workforce, who are expendable. Once we have passed our working usefulness, governments do not want to have to pay out pensions and health care. So they are NOT interested in our living to a long retirement!
Through the internet, brave doctors are now defying the laws brought in by Big Pharma and the lucrative, multinational power lobbies, and coming out with the truth at last. Many have been threatened with fines, imprisonment and loss of practice, but they have overcome.
These doctors are now reverting from chemical medicine which has been so fashionable and LUCRATIVE over the last 200 years, to natural biological medicine through organic plant food. They acknowledge the basic laws of nature, the plant based diet God gives us in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible Genesis 1:29 and 30.
This rebuilds the immune system God gave us, but many remain entrenched in the orthodox treatments of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. If you seek a non toxic and lifelong cure and a healthy life for yourself and your children, read on….
One in two of us now  will now develop cancer. One of my three children suddenly developed Hodgkin’s Lymphoma stage 4b when she was eighteen and an undergraduate at London University. She died only two years later, despite all the “best” chemotherapy and radiation orthodox treatment available.
I lived in the hospital in England with her for the last six months. All through the harsh treatment, including a bone marrow transplant which eventually killed her, she and I knew there had to be a better way. I promised her I would try to find it so that other people would not have to go through what she went through.
The repeated poisoning of the chemotherapy and burning from the radiation at famous London teaching hospitals, and finally one of Britain’s leading cancer hospitals, just did not stop the cancer returning, and each time she was weaker and less able to recover. She eventually died with great grace and courage, surrounded by her loving family back at home in Jersey at Easter 1989.
Having worked as a researcher in the Houses of Parliament in London, I wanted to know why young, fit people could get this dreadful disease, and investigated cancer causes and cures. Many of the young people who were being treated at the cancer hospital had come from areas where there were nuclear power stations. For us in the Channel Islands, the proximity of Cap de la Hague, 30 miles away in France, the radon in granite farm houses has also been suspect.
Scientific confirmation eventually came when tests on the well water at our farm showed a high level of toxicity which had seeped down to the level of the well from the chemicals sprayed on the farm by previous owners.
We have polluted our beautiful natural world in many ways, and the pollution is killing us.
I studied in London and America. I researched in Europe, the Far East, South Africa and Australia and New Zealand. However, I did not find the ultimate answer until I was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer in September 2003.
I went to my London church for prayer after I had been given only a few weeks to live. I was in gut wrenching pain, only partially controlled by morphine, suffering horribly from nausea and jaundice and had lost a quarter of my body weight in two weeks.
A stent had been fitted to relieve the jaundice and liver failure that was killing me, by a kind and very competent consultant gastro-enterologist in the finest London military hospital, but after a week of tests it was decided the tumour was too large to be operated on. I had a no hope, no treatment diagnosis.
In my London church I was prayed for most powerfully by a woman pastor. Afterwards, she told me she had previously been a gastro-enterology nurse for one of the finest specialists in London.
The only hope I had in the natural, she said, was a cancer treatment called LAETRILE, or VITAMIN B17, based on God’s Word about our diet in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible.
A Christian cancer hospital in Mexico, had already helped one hundred thousand cancer patients with unprecedented success. Their treatment was based on the seeds God tells us to eat in Genesis.
In Genesis 1:29 and 30, God says “I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground – everything that has the breath of life in it, I give green plant for food.” The green plant is wheat and barley grass, which can be consumed by juicing, and all green vegetables.
She reminded me that we have removed most of these seeds and raw, natural, living enzymes from our diet, which is why cancer rates are escalating. For instance grapes are now mass produced without their precious seeds which contain the cancer preventing living enzymes. Supermarket bread is made from bleached refined wheat, with the wheat germ removed, whilst our ancestors ate bread made with whole grains including the life-giving seeds of millet and spelt rich in B17.
She also taught me that the richest source of the essence of seeds is the apricot kernel. The world famous biochemist Dr. Ernst Krebs, known to medical students for the “Krebs Cycle”, developed this life-giving substance into a liquid called laetrile, which can be given intravenously. It was given vitamin status and is known as vitamin B17. This intravenous laetrile, or vitamin B17, based on God’s Word in Genesis, was the only thing that could heal me in the natural in the few weeks I had left. God can do miracles when we come into obedience with His Word. She gave me the address of a website which my husband and I could research.
I obtained the B17 in the natural kernel form the next day. I went on the Genesis diet of herbs, vegetables, fruit, seeds, juices and green plants, took enzymes and detoxifying COFFEE ENEMAS, recommended by the GERSON THERAPY.   I did these five times a day to detox my liver. I also had the ampoules of laetrile sent from the hospital in Mexico.

The Oasis of Hope Hospital was founded by Dr. Ernesto Contreras, who was a Mexican Army doctor. He was curing patients with integrated health back in 1963.
His son Dr. Francisco Contreras, has directed the Hospital since his father’s passing, follows his father’s tradition of caring for the patients as though they were his own family. He says he would not give any treatment that he would not give to his own mother or wife. The hospital abounds with love and compassion.

Dr. Contreras rebuilds patient’s immune systems with his Integrative Regulatory therapy, always tries to do this naturally, but being one of the world’s top surgical oncologist he can operate as and when necessary and even gives the refined, individualised, insulin potentiated chemo when necessary.
Look at the website to see all the treatments used, such as Integrative Regulatory therapy, ozone treatments with UV, oxidative pre-conditioning, immune stimulation, signal transduction, cytoxic therapy, neutraceuticals, emotional and spiritual support.
Patients usually stay three weeks, and a companion is included in the cost.   This companion shares the suite offered, all juices and healthy food for the stay. Patients have treatments and lectures every day, and cooking classes to teach them now to STAY well once they go home. The dining room is a delight of beautiful healthy food, served by smiling Mexican staff, and abuzz with patients and their companions from all over the world, sharing their healing experiences. As a nurse as well as a patient, I can confirm Oasis really is the most caring hospital I have ever been in.
My own doctor in Jersey had no training in B17. He showed me in his medical journal that it contained powerful cyanide and was afraid to administer it. I had already read that the special hydrocyanic acid is only released on contact with a cancer cell, and is harmless to ordinary cells. But he was adamant. He was afraid of litigation. I tried another doctor who told me B17 would not work. It was interesting that one thought it too strong to be safe, and the other thought it not strong enough. For me, it was based on God’s Word, and I trusted Him completely.
Then a friend introduced me to a young woman doctor who did Hospice work. She understood B17, and gave it to me intravenously thirteen times, every other day. Within two months the pain reduced, and after eight months the scans show the tumour reduced to a mere scar. The medical establishment calls this a Medical Miracle, or excused it as a misdiagnosis. However, it was confirmed by three consultants. No misdiagnosis.
I know it was simply that from the moment I was prayed for, God brought the right people and the right information into my path and I came into obedience to His food laws, given in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible.
Our family, like most British families, had believed in eating a “balanced diet” which comprised mainly cooked food, animal protein, salt, sugar and refined grains. We ate eggs and bacon for breakfast, we drank packaged orange juice and had caffeine rich coffee and tea and chocolate. We drank very little alcohol in our family, but we did drink rich Jersey milk, ate cooked meat, fish and, chicken, and sweet deserts made with cream and sugar.
I had tried out the delicious new food offered over the last thirty years in supermarkets. I read the labels of contents and had not been concerned. I had bought a microwave, to make cooking quicker. Little did I realize that this kills ALL living enzymes in the food. I thought we had a healthy diet, but I had a lot to learn.
Cancer is a nutritional DEFICIENCY DISEASE, like scurvy or pellagra. It is not caused by bacterium, a virus or a mysterious toxin, but by the DEFICIENCY of a substance that we have removed from our diet. That substance is vitamin B17, derived from the seeds and living enzymes in the fresh raw vegetables, fruit and plants God tells us to eat in Genesis. When we add the toxicity of 21st century lifestyle to this deficiency we are living in a perfect storm. No wonder one in two of us now develops cancer.
We now know why we get sick. Despite all the prayer you can offer, God cannot heal us when we have blatantly disobeyed his basic rules for our diet.
Hosea 4:6 says “my people die for lack of knowledge”
If we lived on the food God ordains in Genesis 1:29 and 30, herbs, vegetables, fruit, seeds and green plant, we could not become sick. But our western diet is mainly dead cooked food; all enzymes and vitamins are destroyed when they are heated by whatever means to 107 degrees. We are simply not living on the raw, organic, living fruit, vegetables, seeds and green plants that God ordained. Processed juices, which I had previously used, are pasteurised and no longer contain living enzymes.
They are finding that cancer is a metabolic degenerative disease of deficiency, occurring in a vulnerable site of the body that has been damaged by pollution such as chemicals, smoke, alcohol, cortisol or any other stressor. Cutting, poisoning and burning will not address the real problem, which is the body’s desperate need for the vital living enzymes God designed us to consume.
Laetrile, found in the seeds of apricots, grapes and apples, and also in wheatgrass and barleygrass, gives the body the richest source of vitamins A, B including B17, C, organic calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, organic iron to build the blood, and 92 out of 102 trace minerals. It is the best form of chlorophyll, it reduces blood pressure, eliminates deposits, purifies the liver, heals wounds, counteracts toxins, corrects blood sugar, combats hair loss and greying, relieves constipation, helps the body to resist radiation, kills bacteria in the blood, contains all the amino acids, and is the complete food.
No wonder people heal when they start drinking it. Because it is the complete food, we find we dont need much else, which permits the body to concentrate on eliminating toxins, healing cells and organs, rather than using that energy to digest empty foods.

Having seen my teenage daughter tortured to death by chemo and radiation in 1989, on my own diagnosis in 2003 I adopted the natural, non toxic, immune boosting protocol immediately and with absolute conviction.

Over eight months my massive tumor, which was in the head of the pancreas, next to the lung and aorta, and therefore “inoperable and incurable,” was reduced to a mere scar. I still maintain the diet and lifestyle that healed me, and know that God is my healer and give Him thanks every day.
Psalm 118.17 says “I shall not die but live, and proclaim what the Lord has done”.

And proclaim it she has done.  Her website is a wealth of information, as is her Get Well Stay Well course.
Thank you Felicity!  You have graced us with Hope and another strong option in our fight against cancer!

My Love, Always,

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