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Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Cellect-Budwig Protocol, Part 1

The Cellect-Budwig Protocol is actually a combination of two of the fastest acting alternative cancer treatments available.  It is powerful...and yet virtually non-toxic to the body... Sounds intriguing... Yes?!

This protocol was developed by a cancer researcher by the name of Michael Vrentas.  And he can explain it so much better than I...

Your job right now is to turn your speakers on and sit back for the next 10 minutes or so and let Michael share the background and power behind this protocol: 

That was part 1... here's part 2... stay the course, it's only 10 minutes out of your day!  You can so do that for the sake of cancer research!

I believe the swimming pool algae analogy is the best I've yet heard to describe the effects of cancer and cancer treatments!

So, what's your take?  Still intrigued?  Want to learn more? 

We take it apart piece by piece tomorrow... join us??

Graced with Hope this night, Always,

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