Friday, October 7, 2016

The Cellect-Budwig Protocol, Part 2

Yesterday Michael Vrentas gaves us a good overview of the Cellect-Budwig Protocol.

Today, let's break it down into some easy to understand, bite-size pieces, shall we?

First, the Cellect part...

Cellect is a nutritional powder that has been used for years in many cases of chronic illness, including many forms of cancer and other terminal diseases.

It was developed by Fred Eichorn, a bio-chemist, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 1976.

Through his research, Fred has come to believe that cancer is not a disease, but rather the body's response to a nutritional deficiency.  Most of the current, conventional treatments attack the symptoms (tumors, for example, that are the result of the cancer) instead of addressing the cause.

Modern medicine tries to remove evidence of the problem, but never corrects the actual problem.  Since the problem has not been corrected, the body will continue to make more of those problem cells and the patient will find that the cancer has returned...

With the product, Cellect, the body's biochemistry is returned to a level that is correct for normal cells, but not conducive for cancer cells, so the cancer cells die off as a result.

Cellect comes in powder form or capsules and Fred encourages patients to follow a good anti-cancer diet... no alcohol, no coffee, no soy, no MSG, no sugar, no processed foods and no fast foods... it's a lot of no's, but if you're facing a cancer diagnosis, cleaning up our diets is one of the easiest of protocols to manage in comparison to the rigors of chemotherapy or radiation!

So, let's see if we've got this...

* According to Fred, cancer is the body's way of saying I'm missing some important nutrients.

* Cellect is his answer to correcting the body's missing nutrients.

* Then once the body is back up to speed and running on all cylinders (nutritionally speaking), cancer cells simply give up.

Yes?  Sounds pretty sensible.  Right?  And yet, I am sure that it's not as simple as that.  Should you be interested in getting really technical, here are some of the studies and detailed chemical explanations:

Fred Eichorn's Cellular and Chemistry Summary

Sloan-Kettering's Report on Cellect

A Case Study:  Pancreatic Cancer and Cellect

 I am not a bio-chemist, so don't take this to the bank, but it sure makes more sense than filling our bodies full of chemo drugs that are so toxic the nurses administering it wear "hazmet" suits.

Dad's blunt analysis of mom's chemo experience still echoes to this day...

"It's dumping a whole lot of poison into mom's body and hoping that it kills the cancer cells before it kills mom."

Yep... That's my Dad.  Always ready with a word of encouragement... Love him to pieces :-)

Tomorrow, we gear up for the 2nd part of this powerful duo:  The Budwig Protocol.

Join us for more hope, more encouragement and more grace...

{Dad will be napping}

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