Saturday, November 5, 2016

If I were Diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer...

That's the question posed to R. Webster Kehr on The Truth About Cancer.

Here's his answer:

And here's the video transcript for an easier read:

Ty Bollinger: Webster, let me ask you a question. Let’s say you went to the doctor and he diagnosed you with pancreatic cancer. What would you do personally?

Webster Kehr (aka The Cancer Tutor): The first thing I would think about was, “Yes, now I can experiment on myself.” I would probably experiment on myself and if it didn’t work then I would use something that’s proven to work. I have absolutely no fear of cancer, and I doubt you have a fear of cancer either. So if I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer I would say, “This is a good opportunity to experiment on myself.”

Ty Bollinger: Do you have any treatments that you would currently recommend that you have on your website [] that might be effective with that type of cancer? Because I know, according to orthodox medicine, pancreatic cancer is a death sentence. They don’t even claim to try to cure pancreatic cancer. If somebody is out there watching today that has pancreatic cancer, what direction would you send them?

Webster Kehr (aka The Cancer Tutor): Let’s go back to our house fire example. The faster a house is burning, the more water you need to pour on. Pancreatic cancer is dangerous because it spreads so fast. So this is a case where you need a lot of fire hoses, to use the symbolism.
It’s true of all advanced cancer patients. Most of the cancer patients I get emails from are very advanced. They’ve already had the chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Their body is full of microbes and their immune system is shot, for multiple reasons. Pancreatic cancer, even newly diagnosed, would fit into that category. It’s a very dangerous cancer even when it’s newly diagnosed, because it spreads so fast.

So basically I would use pretty much the same treatment I would use on somebody who’s already been through the chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. It’s a multi-pronged approach. The Dirt Cheap Protocol has 20 different items on it. I have ways, for example, the Cellect-Budwig Protocol, which we talked about. I literally will say, “Okay. Here’s what you need. You need a combination of the Cellect-Budwig and the Dirt Cheap Protocol. That’s what you need.”

Because they work in completely different ways. We’re not exactly sure how Cellect works because there are ingredients in there that are not mentioned because according to labeling laws they don’t need to be mentioned. So we don’t really know what’s in it. The things that we do know are in it are things that will slow down the spreading of the cancer and some of them will kill microbes inside the cancer cells. But we kind of categorize it as something that kills the cancer cells. Although it may be killing the microbes inside the cancer cells. We’re not exactly sure, because we don’t know the ingredients.

But you’re going to use multiple treatments that are killing the microbes inside the cancer cells from the Dirt Cheap Protocol. I may say 10, 12, 15 items from the Dirt Cheap Protocol depending on the case. And then with the Cellect-Budwig, which has expert telephone support. So it will be a combination.

Now when you combine two protocols you can assume that both of these protocols have something in there that’s highly alkaline, because that’s what slows down the spreading of the cancer. So you have to drop one of those. You have to decide which one to drop. In this case you would drop the baking soda and maybe even you would drop the asparagus from the Dirt Cheap Protocol. But you would keep everything in the Cellect-Budwig.

You would probably add limu juice which is an option. You would have the GB-4000 which is an option if they can afford it. And then you would add the Dirt Cheap Protocol to it, taking into account you would have to drop one or two items from the Dirt Cheap Protocol.

I do that all the time. I recommend that all the time, because of some of the conditions that the patients are in. Maybe they have a really fast spreading cancer. I just kind of lump pancreatic cancer in the same situation as somebody that’s very advanced. It’s deadly."

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That's some powerful, fighting words for a powerful, deadly cancer... If I were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer I just might want to investigate these protocols... mom's doctors didn't really even give her a fighting chance.  And that's a very real {heart-breaking} truth about pancreatic cancer.  Traditional, conventional treatment for this deadly cancer has been woefully weak in the life or death battle we face.

Perhaps there is power in these alternative methods... and we're all fighting for that chance.

Hope whispering soft over those feeling Hopeless this night.  Lift your head, you're not alone.


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