Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Secret Ingredient

I am not about to make you wait... there is too much at stake.

The China Study is filled with information (387 pages worth!) and if you are like me, you skip to the last chapter immediately to see what gives.

Well, here's the skinny...

The secret ingredient to a good diet, according to Dr. Campbell and his research team, is simple.


That's it.  {You're welcome.}

We should eat Plants.  Every day.  All kinds.

Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple and Red.

Sweet, Tart, Wholesome Plants.  Not animals.  Just Plants.

The secret to dramatically reducing our risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

And I might be over-simplifying just a bit.  There's so much more (387 pages!)

But you deserve to know what we're getting in to.  Right from the start.   We are getting radical.

Changing our diets is not for the faint of heart.  Yet, it is the very crux of so much that is wrong with our health.

When I first heard about the China Study, I was reading a book by Dr. John Kelly called Stop Feeding Your Cancer...

It is a fascinating read and fully engaged me from the first page.  Dr. Kelly had been introduced to The China Study and was compelled to follow-up with these dietary recommendations in his own practice.

His book is filled with case studies of many heroic patients who agreed to follow the diet and share their stories.  

It peaked my interest and I began a journey into a new, and might I add, revolutionary chapter in our cancer journey...

And it involves Plants.  Lots of delicious, nutritious, amazing plants...

Don't be scared off.  Stick with me.  The stories are nothing short of miraculous and you deserve every chance in the world in this fight against cancer.

If a diet could change the way your body healed itself, would you be interested???

Come back tomorrow... it just gets better and better!

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