Friday, November 3, 2017

Tips for the Journey...

So you're convinced... a Whole-Food Plant-Based diet has merit and you're ready to take the plunge and remove animal protein from your plate and fill it with whole foods, heavy on the plants.

But where to start?  Seems rather daunting... Yes?!  Yes!

Here are some smart tips to encourage success during the transition.  And it is a transition... give yourself a little grace and a lot of love.  Eating smart is wonderful but not always intuitive or easy!

Here is a quick excerpt from The China Study... encouragement for jump-starting the journey!

"Give it one month.

You've been eating cheeseburgers your whole life; a month without them won't kill you!

A month isn't enough time to give you any long-term benefits, bit it is long enough for you to discover four things:

1.  There are some great foods you can eat in a plant-based diet that you otherwise may never have discovered.  You may not be eating everything you want (desire for meat may last longer than a month), but you will be eating lots of great, delicious foods.

2.  It's not all that bad.  Some people take to this diet quite quickly and love it.  Many take months to fully adjust to it, at which point they then discover some new tastes.  But almost everyone will find that it's a lot easier than they thought.

3.  You'll feel better.  Even after only a month, most people will feel better and likely lose some weight, too.  Try having your blood work done both before and after.  Odds are, you'll see significant improvement in even that period of time if you've been eating the standard American diet.  (Since we made the one-month recommendation in the first edition of this book, several groups have organized relatively formal opportunities to use the diet for periods of 7-10 days only, with blood work done before and after.  My eldest son, Nelson, and his consulting physician have done it six times, for groups as large as 130 people.  Depending on what diet and numbers people begin with, it is possible to see total cholesterol drop by 100 points or more, LDL cholesterol by 50-75 points, and body weight by 5-10 pounds in as few as seven days.  Also, blood pressure generally decreases more than with antihypertensive drugs.)

4.  Most important, you'll discover that it's possible.  You may love the diet, or you may not, but at the very least you'll come away from your one-week or one-month trial knowing that it's possible.  You can do it, if you choose to.  All the health benefits discussed in this book are not just for Tibetan monks and fanatical Spartans.  You can have them too.  It's your choice."

Ready to try it?  If I could do it, than I am positive you can too!

More encouragement and some great recipes on the way... Stay tuned!

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