Saturday, July 21, 2018

I can see the Finish Line from here...

Several weeks ago I saw an interview with Jane Pauley and John Mellencamp.

I chanced upon it half way through, just in time to hear his take on how to live life well.  Well, actually I'm not sure he was expounding on the living well part as much as he was the living part...

But it struck a chord all the same and maybe you feel it too... the rushing of the days, speeding into years, until time turns around and the finish line nears...

How is it possible the Farmer is talking retirement??   65 this fall.  The Medicare solicitations filling our mailbox and Social Security deadlines looming...


And still my heart skips a beat... he is the handsomest retiree-to-be I know ;-)

And the years, they keep rolling together, gaining speed with each passing day.

Perhaps Mr. Mellencamp was feeling it too:

"I can see the finish line from here.  I only have so many summers left. 
And I intend not to waste them being old."

I think we'd have to agree.  There's much more living ahead, and it's true, by God's grace, we only have so many summers left... So how to spend them?  This would be the question we face as we head for a new season in our life!


We're keeping an ongoing tally on our To-Do List...

There is much to do.  That log house won't build itself!  Lol!  And in 100 days, the Farmer will be punching out from the daily grind and punching in to life at the lake... {smile}

We intend not to waste a minute of the time we're given!

In our walk together these last many years, we've seen the tragedies...
the devastating losses of the too young,

We may never understand, this side of Heaven,
nor have answers to ease our griefs.

We may never be able to fathom the depths
of God's grace and mercy for the sorrowing soul.

And we question the journey.

The longer we live, the more we realize how fragile our hold.
And yet, one thing I know... He has set the finish line before each one of us,
and we are called to run the race He's given us with excellence.

"And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith."
                                                            ~ Hebrews 12:1-2

By God's Grace, the gift of today is ours.
Let us make much of each moment,
for His Kingdom's sake...

My Love, Always,

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