Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Weddings and Summers are Perfect Together!

What a wonderful week it was... getting away from this Texas heat to enjoy a family wedding in Wisconsin!!

So. Much. Fun.

I might have a picture... or two!

We flew up... as many of the family as could manage... to celebrate the wedding of our cousin's daughter.  Poppy was happy to be smack dab in the middle of it all...

And while we were there for wedding festivities we made the most of our time exploring dad's old boyhood haunts... Wisconsin does not disappoint!! 

There were Boat rides on the Chain O'Lakes...
Poppy spent his summers fishing and skiing on these very waters.
He was in his happy place reliving those long-ago days!

Dad's sister, Aunt Di and her daughter, our cousin, made the day perfect with their delightful commentary and sharing of favorite family stories!

Thank you Captain Clair for taking such good care of us!
"Maybe we should take a group selfie", I say...

Wait, I didn't make the cut... Let's try it again...

Well, now I lost the other half of the boat... One more time...


Then we spent a day at the local zoo...
and watched my brother become one with the birds...

Which was fun, but the real fun began when we got to Aunt Di's place...

Just this summer, her farm garden was voted as 
The Prettiest Farm in Wisconsin
by "Our Wisconsin" magazine.

And I have pictures!  Because, well, it is really the Prettiest Farm in Wisconsin!
And we had a blast staying with her all week...

And then we had a farm garden photo shoot
with our favorite gardner in the whole world...

Poppy found a great place for afternoon naps on the back porch...

While Leroy and Aunt Di got down to the business
of mowing this little piece of paradise...

And then there was a Walleye Fish Fry with Poppy...

The week ended with a drive down back country roads
in Aunt Di's old convertible...
Bliss on wheels!

It all started with a Summer Wedding... 
and became the perfect vacation getaway!!
Memories for the heart!

Back in Texas... with mountains of laundry and just a bit of jet lag...
But what a great way to send out the summer of 2018!

Much Love,


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