Thursday, October 25, 2018

Never, Ever Give Up Hope...

What to do when Fear and Suffering Overwhelm us?

Read more success stories!

And there are plenty... Today we'll share links to the many uplifting stories of pancreatic cancer warriors.  No matter where you are in this fight, be encouraged.

I remember when mom was first diagnosed... there was no one that we knew who was battling pancreatic cancer, not even someone that someone knew.  As a matter of fact, mom's oncologist said that his clinic had only seen 3 cases in the past decade.

We felt so utterly alone.

I so wish we had known there were survivors of this horrific cancer.  It would have given us Hope.  Perhaps a network to reach out to... a place to find our footing.

Today there are those places.  And here are some of the links... please check them out!

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network has an ambitious goal to double pancreatic cancer survival by 2020 and they work tirelessly towards this end.  They are found at and share stories of survivors here.

The Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research passionately works towards a singular outcome of changing patients to survivors.  They share their survivor stories here.

The Pancreatica Organization also shares stories of hope and success on their website.  They strongly promote education, and medical research - advocating optimal treatment options for all pancreatic cancer patients.

The Cancer Treatment Centers of America also offer a page for pancreatic cancer survivors and each story is a testament to the fight we wage every day to erradicate the word cancer from our vocabulary.

The American Cancer Society advocates for a myriad of cancers but has a beautiful post each year entitled Stories of Hope where they share survivor stories across the board... Pancreatic Cancer survivor John Cristman shares his story this year to offer hope to other patients when it's hard to find... and he knows a thing or two about hope... He is a 29-year pancreatic cancer survivor!

You do not ever need to feel alone on this journey.  So many have paved the way and are cheering you on ... As Abbie Grande's dad so wisely encourages,

"Stay strong, stay positive, and never, ever give up hope."
                      ~ Abbie Grande's dad, 2 year pancreatic cancer survivor

May you be lifted up and encouraged today,

Praying Blessings and Love, asking for Hope to be the beacon that lights the way,


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