Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Cost of this Pancreatic Cancer Journey

Over these past years it has been the most humbling privilege to walk alongside so many extra-ordinary, amazing people on this journey....

We've shared their stories... often.  And always, I am reminded of the heart that beats behind every pancreatic cancer diagnosis.  It beats strong and, without fail, it bears testimony to the love that makes life so infinitely precious.

There is Julie... passionate, strong and inspiring!  After losing her father to pancreatic cancer just 35 days after diagnosis, she turned her grief in to action.  And the Marathon Goddess was unleashed!  She is well on her way to fundraise $1,000,000 to find a cure.

And there is Ted.  His story could be written by so many pancreatic cancer patients.  The diagnosis, the treatment, the wrestling with living life well in the shadow of a terminal illness.  And yet, he chose to be an encouragement to others in the midst of the struggle.

Here is Jeanne's story... A nurse, just like mom, Jeanne was a passionate advocate for the Pancreatic Cancer community.  To honor her memory, her precious family rode in Purple Ride Minnesota in her memory just one month after she passed.

Kathryn pegs the cancer journey perfectly in her interview; "Cancer is not for wimps."  And she is first and foremost a Cancer Warrior!  Her story is inspiration and hope for every pancreatic cancer sojourner.

Michelle honors her husband's memory with grace and love, as well as shares her thoughts on a sensitive topic at My Big PINK Soapbox.  She speaks to a deep place and I love her for it.

The Beauty of Gayle's story... and her Sweet Inspirations...  Gayle braved a horrific diagnosis with a confident joy that speaks volumes and just completely undoes me...

And I could not love Glenn and Cheryl more... theirs is the sweetest love story... losing Cheryl to this despicable cancer was a blow that still hurts..  And yet Glenn honors their lives together with a costly and steadfast faithfulness.  It is a true picture of grace in this journey.

There are so many more... Pancreatic cancer is just taking too many precious lives.  It has to be stopped.  Together we can be the most formidable foe pancreatic cancer has ever met.

Join hands with me?

We take a stand, united...  choose your weapon and let's fight until no one ever has to hear the words...

It is pancreatic cancer and there is no cure.

We warrior on... Together!

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