Meltdowns and Mercy

I read a very apt explanation of Frustration the other day...

Frustration often arises out of trying to control an uncontrollable circumstance.
I believe Cancer fits the bill completely.
When we look back at mom's journey with pancreatic cancer, all of our frustration, resentment and anger revolved around the vise of Cancer...utterly unchangeable, completely uncontrollable...
We were angry that Cancer was taking her from us one excruciating pound at a time.
We were angry that Cancer made her so miserably sick much of the time.
We were angry that the Cancer doctors didn't have a magic bullet to cure her.
We were more than angry that Cancer changed our happy "normal."  It took our family dynamics and turned them on its ear.  Mom had always been the Center, the Caregiver, the Moderator, the Head Chief and Loving Leader of our family.  All of sudden, we became the Caregivers for this undeniably strong and competent woman.  And we didn't do it very well at all at first...
We burned the soup.
We cried at all the wrong times.
We hovered and smothered.  We blamed each other for mistakes.
We lived in denial.  We slept with fear.
We were incompetent, frustrated, angry Caregivers... until Grace came calling.
Somewhere along the line, God began softening our hearts in His Gentle way and offering sweet insight into the things that matter most.

I do believe that Time gave us Perspective.

And while Cancer was still an utterly unchangeable, completely uncontrollable circumstance, we were able to come to a sort of peace with mom's ultimate prognosis.  A veil lifted and we realized that we were wasting all our precious time crying over her approaching death, ranting and railing at the unfairness, and having major Meltdowns at every turn, rather than enjoying every last blasted minute we had with her.
That realization was really a gift of Grace and Mercy.  Receiving God's Riches right in the middle of our horrendous nightmare. 
We learned to distinguish between what is and what is not in our power to change.
We learned to ask for help.
We learned to value every hug.
We learned to give ourselves permission... to feel sad... to cry... to make mistakes.
We learned to take Grace Breaks.
We learned to say I love you... often.
We learned to cherish the victories... and to laugh at the still funny stories that plagued our family... it wasn't all gloom and doom!
We learned when to say Yes... to all the offers of help, prayer and wisdom.
We learned when to say No... to all the extra demands on our days when time with mom was drawing close.
We learned to appreciate Legacy Living.
And... We learned that under God's Gracious Hand our Anger could be molded into a something Better.
"I've refined you, but not without fire.
I've tested you like silver in the furnace of affliction."
                      Isaiah 48:10
Molded...Refined... in the furnace of affliction.
My Meltdowns formed into Moments of Pure Grace when released under the heat of Cancer's Blaze...
There is Hope...
 When Things Just Can't Be Changed.
When We Find it Impossible to
Control the Uncontrollable.
Learning to Let God's Grace Mold My Meltdowns into Something Better...

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Dear 2020

 I saw this letter the other day and found it a perfect way to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome this new year...  

Thank you Hailey for the inspiration... Happy Travels to you in 2021!

Dear 2020,

You were everything, just not what we expected.  You taught us that beautiful miracles can happen without expectations and plans, but rather with patience.  That we can create wonderful memories despite everything, just a little different.  You gave us many taxing moments, and the most heartfelt moments.

You showed us how important it is to learn to appreciate the little things and people in our lives even more intensely.

You showed us how little we need to be genuinely happy.  This year has taught us to make history with our hearts and our hopes.  With a lot of cordiality, consideration, and confidence, I am now packing my dreams and hopes in my suitcase and taking them with me in 2021.

I am now looking forward to what lies ahead, and I believe that 2021 will have many beautiful moments in the {journey} ...


Monday, January 4, 2021

Finding Grace in the Shadow Valley

 Starting the year off with an unexpected gift.

Our book is being offered FREE today and tomorrow on Kindle...


Go snag your download and join us on a journey into the Shadow Valley
where we find Graces abundant and Hope around every turn.

Blessings today,
Much Love,

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Sunday Reflections: Welcoming a New Year

Setting time aside each Sunday in this new year for a bit of reflection... for offerings of gratitude, gifts of grace and words of inspiration.

52 weeks before us this year... 2021 is a brand new book with a clean page for each of us.

May the journey we write together this year be filled with Hope and Love.

In Grace,