Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Pink Bucket

Yesterday was such a good day. Bound to have a setback or two... And we did. Last night the nausea set in, most likely from the anesthesia. The nurses administered Zofran to help settle her stomach, but to no avail. By bedtime, she was throwing up her toenails. Katie was spending the night with Bada, and thankfully handled the situation like a pro, in other words, she didn't gag, pass out or high-tail it to the hills! Go Katie!

This morning I got a detailed briefing from Katie and a very realistic re-enactment of the whole event.

I don't think they were having so much fun last night :)  At least the bucket is a pretty pink and not bile green!  Katie, as always, tries to keep thinks fashionably accessorized!

Today, mom headed for surgery once more and had the medi-port removed.   And we headed for the waiting room once more. 

We're getting better at the waiting, but not as patient as we need to be... We do know where every vending machine

and restroom

is in this hospital.  Important information to know if you spend a lot of time here.

The good news is that surgery went well. The port is being cultured, but the doctor doesn't think they will find any bacteria since she's been on the vancomycin for a week already. We may never know exactly where the strep set up, but we are making progress nevertheless.

Heart is Clear. Check!

Medi-port is Out. Check!

Lungs - you better clear up or you're out-a-here! A little smack talk couldn't hurt....

Dr. P wants to keep her in the hospital with the iv antibiotics and oxygen at least through next Monday. Hopefully, prayerfully, the lungs will begin to clear in the next few days. The pulmunologist hasn't ruled out tapping her lungs to remove the fluid. And that sounds painful. Would really love for her lungs to get with the program on their own.

Mom sends her love and thanks to everyone who has been holding the line for her.

Your prayers, notes and love keep us going.

Sleeping well tonight, Jane

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