Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Typical Day in the Hospital

My brother, Steve, lives down in Houston and can't be here with mom during this latest crisis.  I know he hates being so far away and he calls everyday.  This morning he asked us what mom did all day in the hospital.  Was it boring?  How did we keep our sanity? And the best question, What does Dad do all day at the hospital?  So, for Steve, here's how mom spends a "typical" day in the hospital:

*Doctor Visits/Check-ups/Discussions/Orders - With 4 doctors on her case, it becomes a revolving door at times

*Nurse Interactions - roughly a hundred times a day, hanging IV fluids and antibiotics, bringing meds, doing daily assessments

*Paging Nurse because the IV alarm is going off - AGAIN

*Technician Visits to check vital signs - never at the same time as the nurse visit as that would be too easy on patient

*Phlebotimist Visits to draw blood - lots of it, daily, usually at 4am

*Radiation techs to come take her away for chest x-rays and CT scans

*Eating/Snacking/Thinking about the next meal/snack

*Watching Dad eat the Blue Bell Ice Cream that is supposed to be for the patients. Shhhhh......It keeps him happy

*Checking the view out the window - Still sunny, Still hot, Still looking at the parking garage.


*Watching TV

*Visiting - mom's feeling better and starting to enjoy visits now

*Playing Words with Friends (Scrabble online) and beating most everyone. We were feeling sorry for her because she was so sick, not any more. It's every man/woman for themselves.

*Housekeeping Interruptions - room must be sanitized thoroughly at least once a day, usually during a meal. Excuse me? Am I in your way?

*Physical Therapy assisted walks around the floor

*Respiratory Therapists - checking on mom's oxygen support

*Sleeping/Napping/Dozing - but never more than an hour at a time because of all the aforementioned activity...

Ok, I'm tired. Can I go home now? And we wonder how the patient ever gets well...

But, seriously, mom is truly feeling better today. We're beginning to see light at the end of this long tunnel. Can't wait to post the news that she's back at home!

Until then, Enjoy a quiet, uninterrupted night of sleep. You never know when you'll find yourself at the mercy of Jill, the Nurse (don't ask.) Love to all, Jane

P.S. I'm not quite sure how to address the "sane" part of your question, Steve. I can't seem to put the words hospital and sanity together right now! Ask again in a week...

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