Monday, July 16, 2012

It's Time...

Weaning Time on the farm.  Everyone's crying!

This is so not fun.  I wish there was another way, and I'm not the only one!

First we separate the mamas way across the farm in their own pasture...

That took 3 people, 2 buckets of feed and more cunning and muscle than expected.  Those mamas DID NOT want to be separated from their babies!  And if I wasn't sweating and huffing so bad I would have to admire their tenacity.  However, after a few hooks from those horns I wasn't up to admiring much.

Then we went back to mollify and feed the babies...

which required lots of loving and some heavy-duty ear plugs.  Goat baby bleating is very loud and yes, very irritating.  Ask Baby Peacock...

His feathers got rather ruffled with all the ruckus. But I do understand those babies.  They were missing their mamas.  I know what that's like...

In their sheltered life, goat mama was always there.  She was there to nurture, to protect, to nurse, to guide, to push, to nuzzle, to love.  I had that too, for oh so long. 

I get it, I really do...

And I can tell you, little fuzz-ball, that you will be okay.  Cry.  Grieve.  Make lots of noise.  You will miss her like crazy, that's for sure, but after awhile you will realize that the missing has softly turned into sweet remembering somewhere along the way.  A cherishing of all she taught you.  And she raised you right.  Good and strong.  Ready to face greener pastures and new experiences with strength and confidence.  Love provides a sure foundation and Baby you are loved.

You're gonna be alright...

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