Sunday, July 15, 2012

Purple Stride...Boston Style!

Michele, this Shout-Out is for you!!

One of the most surprising blessings of mom's journey has been the chance to meet so many wonderful, courageous and giving people.  When we were in the trenches fighting desperately for healing and strength and sanity, this village of beauty simply rose up and wrapped their love around us.  How many times did mom just lean back and smile as a neighbor popped in with a meal, or an email arrived to cheer the day, or a cyber friend "knocked" on the door for an update... And many of these cyber friends knew all too well the struggle we faced, for they were right there in the trenches with us. 

And that's how we met Michele.  Compassionate, daring and generous...She is the daughter of a mom who has fought pancreatic cancer.  She knows a little about the battle...And without hesitation, she decided to do something about it.  Michele will be participating in PurpleStride Boston on August 26, 2012 to raise awareness and funds for this most deadly of diseases.

Michele shares her mom's story on her fundraising page and it is the kind of inspiration that we need to hear.  In a follow-up email this weekend, Michele said,

"I am willing to do whatever it takes to help with the fight against Pancreatic Cancer. My mom went to the Cancer Center yesterday and had a PET/CAT scan.  Everything is still clear and her tumor markers are at 19.  YEAH!!!  Let's pray that this stays like it is.  I am so thankful for The Cancer Treatment Centers of America.  Please, if you would...mention that they are remarkable.  They treat all cancers but, at least there is still HOPE for the Pancreatic patients if there is none where they live."

There is HOPE.  I hear it loud and clear.  Michele's mom has been given that second chance.  And with each day, each dollar dedicated to research, each person tuning in to the need, there will be many more second chances.

Not everyone will be able to participate in a PurpleStride event.  That's Ok.  Not everyone will be able to give for research.  That's Ok. 

But...everyone can spread the HOPE.  In your own way, in your own time, in your own place...

Be the HOPE that someone desperately needs today.

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