Monday, June 24, 2013

Super Moon Shenanigans

Have you seen her yet?

Lurking over the horizon, all hazy and otherwordly...
She defies the ordinary and casts a wicked gleam over the night realm.
Scientists have named her the Super Moon.  The phenomenon occurs about once a year when the moon rolls closest to earth in its eliptical orbit.  This results in a "Super" large viewing of the moon from earth... 
And she is a beauty.  Perhaps you've seen her dancing over the evening sky.  Beguiling beams of light streaking night with day.  And perhaps she is the one to blame for all the mayhem on the farm!  For something is amiss!
Yesterday morning while I was doing chores I noticed Miss Peacock playing hide-n-seek in the bed of the pick-up...
Up with her head, then ducked down, daring me to come see...
And this is what I found!
An egg!
Laid in the dirty, old bed of the pick-up!  In June!  Something very peculiar going on around the farm indeed.  Our peas generally nest in early spring, which is February or March around here.  So an egg in June is just down-right strange.  And then to drop it in the old pick-up... Maybe that Super Moon is messing with the order of things!
Then today when I got home from running errands, I noticed someone's goats out along the road...
And I thought... boy, they sure look a lot like our cashmeres.  And then I slammed on the brakes and realized... They Are Our Cashmeres!!!
And they knew they were in trouble... they actually beat me back to the pasture gate... which, of course they couldn't get thru because it was locked.
After they were safely tucked away in their "time-out" corners... I walked the fence line and found the tiniest of breaks near the creek.  Uh-huh.  They are nothing if not persistent.  So, fence fixed.  Goats in time-out.  I walked back to the house and noticed the apple tree.
Stripped to the bark...
By these little hoodlums
who don't appear to be feeling any remorse.
And then it gets worse.  The black raspberry bush...
Stripped clean!  Not even a leaf left, only the stake and tape holding it up.
But the final straw would be my beautiful rose bushes...
Nary a bloom survived the ravenous appetites of our goats on the rampage.  Dare I blame it on the Super Moon?  For this could not be normal behavior for our "sweet" herd of cashmere!
And the Super Moon is playing havoc with the garden as well... or perhaps I'm just a messy gardener, but the tomato plants are becoming a jungle!
What bounty!
Although Casey does not seem to be impressed...
Must be the work of a Super Moon!
May we always be blessed with the magic of Life Lived Large,
for even when ravaging pests strip us bare,
remind us that our roots run deep and our foundation is sure.
Soaking up the Moon Beams tonight,
     In Grace,
p.s.  Thank you Stacy for the amazing Super Moon photos!  You captured it perfectly! 

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