Thursday, July 4, 2013

Freedom Day

Celebrating on the farm...

The 4th of July... Independence Day... Freedom Celebration
We can't help but celebrate these gifts with gratitude for the men and women, past and present, who guard our freedoms with their very lives.  For some these freedoms were not free...they have given their cherished tomorrows for our todays.  Bless you each one...
These thoughts temper the day of festivity with a solemnness.  My mind wanders to the many freedoms lost around the world.  The fight for independence still rages on, this I know.  And my heart remembers a battle not so distant, a personal struggle, our journey with the beast of cancer.  The fight was ultimately for her freedom...

Caught in the grip of cancer tight, anguish fed the fear... hearts ached as we watched mom's world shrink, enslaved to a disease that battled furious for her very life. 

Such a vicious disease.  Pancreatic cancer binds freedom from a soul in so many ways...

* diets change

* pain closes in

* treatment choices map the days

* fatigue and nausea obscure the joy

* weakness ties the body to bed

Hearts grow sore.  Freedoms diminish.  Life revolves around the sickness that won't let go.

And we struggle with the chains.  We fight the ever-tightening noose.   How to live a life free.




As our nation celebrates the gift of Freedom, our Independence Day, I struggle anew with the journey.   Soul cries unfair.  Our Freedoms were taken the day mom was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer.


Firecrackers explode with noise and beauty, lighting the heavens and my gaze shifts up...

the Heart follows.

There is a Freedom, this my soul knows.  He speaks quiet to shattered dreams.  Lifts up the fallen countenance and reminds again... and again...

There is only Freedom in the One who surrendered Himself to our chains, to our fetters. 

A True Freedom in the Grace and Blessed Mercy of the Cross.  In the Unfailing Love of God.

"Lift up your eyes to the heavens,
look at the earth beneath:
the heavens will vanish like smoke,
the earth will wear out like a garment...
But my Salvation will last forever,
my righteousness will never fail."
                             ~  Isaiah 51:6
In this life, freedom is such a transient thing.  There are no perfect answers for our struggles, for the paths our journeys take.  
Mom's Freedom came, whole and complete, the moment she closed her eyes here in our presence and opened them to the glorious wonders of Life Eternal with the One who loves her tender and will never fail her.  Or us.
I don't know how this works.  This Freedom.  But I know it does.  always.  work.

We can celebrate our Independence no matter the circumstances that bind.  It is a glorious gift born of sacrifice great.  And it is balm to hearts sore this day.

Graced by Freedom to Celebrate with Joy,
                                                      Always,  Jane

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