Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's a Hillbilly-Cobbler Kind of Day

Peach perfectly delicious this hot summer night!
But the day didn't start out that way.  It just kind of ended that way... in need of some sweet down-home goodness to make things all better.
The day actually started like most others.  Heading out to do chores with a shovel in one hand and Black Flag in the other.  That's kind of how I do chores now since the evil lurkers disturbed my peaceful existence...
But on this particular day, handsome Farmer Husband remembered that once upon a time (many moons ago), we had bought an electronic Pest Repelling device.  I believe it was after the Petie and Skunk incident (sad, sad face).  But no matter, we both remembered the device but couldn't actually remember where it was.
And there-in lay the dilemma.  Because if it was in the shed...(cue dramatic music), we will never find it.
Seriously.  I don't exaggerate.  Does everyone have a shed like ours? 
Our shed is a Black Hole for items which might serve a useful purpose or did at one time and might again, but who knows and let's just put it in here for a while and see if a need arises upon which one of us will say...remember when we bought a Pest Repelling device and do we still have it somewhere?
Yes... it may be in the Shed.  The crowded, packed, can't move around in here, it's hotter than blue blazes Shed...
And, of course, we spent the better part of the day "cleaning" the Shed while looking for the much needed Pest Repelling device.
We found many, many things...that were not the Pest Repelling
Kayaking Paddles and Tennis Raquets and Volleyballs
(we like to work out... I hear snickering... What?!)...
and Potting Soil and Cute Crosses (I was wondering where these were)...
and a perfectly good saddle for the horse we no longer have (extra sad face)
but good memories all the same...
and a whole box of old-fashioned records! Really! We used to play these all the time... (Feeling old...)

and then there's our Knight in Shining Armor (everybody needs one of these)...
and a knee brace propped up on a very old Encyclopedia set (nobody needs those!)....

And finally...FINALLY... we hit pay dirt between the
electric ice cream maker and a tub of halloween costumes!

The PestChaser Pro!

Plugged in and working great!  The Sonic Blast is repelling all Pests as we speak!
And we should have stopped there.  Really.
We found what we were after.  All other relics in the Shed should be left alone... Really.
But no...our adrenaline high had us on a roll and we continued to clean the shed...
Until I stumbled upon this innocent Igloo Water Jug...
And I just wanted to move it over with the other motley collection of assorted coolers and such,
when, to my horror, the lid slid off and revealed a new Evil Lurker!

Ok.  I'm done for the day. 
And I don't care that Farmer Husband said that this little scorpion was deader than a doornail and roasted to a crispy crunch in the heat of our August Texas sun.
Nope.  Going in the house.  Where it's nice and cool and nary an Evil Lurker to be found.
And that's when I decided we needed some down-home sustenance... It doesn't get much better or much easier than our Hillbilly Peach Cobbler.
You need a CrockPot
Into the CrockPot you throw in 2 cans of your favorite Pie Filling,
cover it with a box of Yellow Cake Mix (dry, do not mix it up into a batter) and then pour a stick of melted butter over the dry cake mix.  Do not stir.
Set the CrockPot on Low for 3 hours.
And the house smells heavenly as the Cobbler bubbles away
removing all thoughts of scorpions and snakes and spiders from your frazzled mind...
We don't even need supper tonight.
I'm a thinking that warm Peach Cobbler and a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream will suffice.
And that's a Hillbilly Cobbler kind of day for you.
May your day be ending on just such a sweet note...
Love and Grace Always,

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