Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thinking on Dreams lately...

All is well on the farm... no evil lurkers,, just happy goats and happier goat-herders.

Lazy summer days and peacefully quiet nights... which is the perfect farm recipe for Happy if you ask me!

And it also is the perfect farm recipe for dreaming.   Just letting the mind wander as the sprinkler taps a soothing rhythm on the backyard lawn and the hummers dance around the feeder...

I saw the quote on our calendar this month.  It has given me pause.  Beckoning.  Tempting.  Drawing out the deep and opening the heart to dream...

"Twenty years from now you will be more
disappointed by the things you didn't do
than by the ones you did do...
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover."
                                        ~ Mark Twain
What I think about when I read Mark Twain's words is the fact that Mom didn't have twenty years.  The day she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, her twenty years dwindled to one.  She knew, probably from the minute she was diagnosed, that she was terminal.  We, her family, didn't really grasp the finality of her cancer sentence for months...  We struggled and prayed and cried and pushed and pleaded... And if all the love in our hearts could have kept her here than she would be writing this post instead of me.  But cancer took that choice from us, from her.
And so...
This quote has needled my soul.   I hear mom whispering that not one of us is promised twenty more years, nor even our next breath... But (I can feel her smile) what if you are blessed with twenty more years?  What then?  Do you dare Dream?  Reach out to Discover the New and Unexplored? 
Sail away from the safe harbor...  Catch the trade winds in our sails...
It's scary.  But exhilirating too.  I think I will choose not to be disappointed twenty years from now.   Some dreams I can barely name, but others have been immediate... they've been there, down deep, just waiting for me to wake up in my safe harbor and turn my sails into the wind...
What dreams are filling your heart this very moment?  Just begging for attention?
It's true, I've been thinking on Dreams lately... Perhaps you would join me in the weeks ahead and open your heart and hands for whatever the Dream-Giver pours out.
It will be Blessing.
And Hope.
And Grace.  Always Grace,
Love Always, Jane

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