Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Nitty-Gritty Life of the Caregiver

So, now we're getting to where the rubber meets the road...

The raw, hard to share, real, honest to goodness truth about Caregiving.  It's not pretty.  But it's honest.  And Real.  Feelings shared by hundreds and hundreds of other giving souls.

It's where God's Riches (Grace) are needed more than ever.  And yet, are so often the last thing we ask for.

Caring for a terminally ill patient is truly a gift...for the patient...for others in the family...and for you, yes, for you.  There is true joy in the servant posture of coming alongside a loved one in need.

But... it can strip our humanity into shreds.  Even the most grounded among us will reach breaking points we never expected.

For the kicker here is that we are most always doing the giving out of sheer love.  It is a choice we made from a passion deep to serve and to help the one we love.

So, when the Ugly shows up...and it's coming from us, we are shocked, overwhelmed and appalled that we could possibly think, act or do the things we're doing...especially when our loved one is facing a potentially terminal disease.

This is where we're going... down to the part of Ugly Unlovliness that sometimes (many times) takes over a Caregiver's matter how hard we try to be the giving, attentive caregiver our loved one needs.

The grim reality is that we Caregivers get...

I'm sure you could add your own tales of woe to the list. But...Can I tell you right now that it's ok if you're not perfect?!  No one is... we can explore these disfiguring soul-deep blemishes together with no judgement, no condemnation...just an open hand and heart to hear the Father's call...

"Come to me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace."
                   ~Matthew 11:28-30  The Message

There is grace ahead... Be encouraged to stay the course...  

 Please join us as we continue to explore Grace for the Caregiver in our 31 Day Challenge!   Click on the link to follow all our posts.

You are Loved, Always, Jane

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