Tuesday, February 24, 2015

We are Never Abandoned...

 If there would be a theme running through my life... a silver cord binding my heart and soul... it would be Grace.

We speak of it often here on the Journey.  Grace, extragavant and undeserved... Gracious gift from a Father's Hand.

Grace, personal and real, before I even took my first breath...

Grace, unmerited and full of favor, as we savor life's sweetest gifts...

Grace, warm and comforting, a shelter from life's storms...

Grace, steadfast and sure, even under the harrowing diagnosis of cancer...

Grace, beautiful and sweet, when friends swoop in to lift our bruised and battered hearts...

Grace, merciful and deep, as we walked the Pancreatic Cancer road with mom...

Grace, All Sufficient, as the veil thinned and eternity called...

Grace has become the mainstay of my life's journey.  And so, it is no surprise that the following quote caught my eye...and my heart.  It is from the book A Memoir of Grace by Chuck Smith...

"Grace does not shield the cruel realities of a world damaged by the fall.
We're not in heaven yet,
and God does not spare us from the crushing blows that come to everyone...
We lose people we love,
we suffer,
we grieve,
we journey on,
but we're not abandoned."

His words speak a truth.  For we all will eventually experience the harsh reality of pain and grief should we live long enough.  The heart aches for each burden we bear.

Perhaps it is a cancer diagnosis.  Perhaps a painful separation from those we love.  Perhaps a grievous abuse that defies forgiveness...

In it all, the anchor is God's steadfast Grace... We are not abandoned... He has walked this road all the way to Cavalry... He knows our pain.  He knows our grief.  He has come to extend Grace, unwavering, never changing, so completely all-sufficient, for even one such as I...

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."  II Corin. 12:9

Grace breathes hope right into the weariness.  He walks right beside, holding us up when we stumble, and hurt, and weep... We are never abandoned.  Christ's power is glorified beautiful into each life that trusts His Hand.

Let Grace anchor our hearts this day, dear friends, no matter the Journey, no matter the cost...

Holding on to the One who never lets Go, Always,

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