Sunday, August 14, 2016

Happy Sunday!

From here...



Today has been a good day...

Graced to watch him shuffle around his house
with that happy smile.

Gratitude rising from bended knee this day.

My Love, Always,

Friday, August 12, 2016

Geese Crossings and Ambulance Drivers

Another day spent behind these hospital walls with nurses and doctors, breathing treatments, blood tests and endless other important medical activities...

Dad is continuing to mend.  And I am continuing to worship grateful.

As I was leaving tonight heading home. I happened to pull in behind an ambulance leaving the ER bay.  As they approached the stop sign that exited us out of the parking lot, they slowed to a crawl and, well, perhaps a picture would make you smile...

A family of geese casually crossing the road... A sliver of joy split my heart.

The ambulance driver waiting patiently until all were across before pulling out.  {Love}

And all was well until one of the geese had a moment of indecision and that messed everybody up!

Do we stay the course and journey on?
Maybe we should turn around and go back?

I am sure there is an appropriate lesson somewhere here,
but I am way too tired to make sense of it...

In the end,

The family headed back to the grassy knoll from which they came
and decided the bug hunting was superb there after all.
(Or so I imagine that's how it went...)

You never know who will be gracing your path each day...

Grateful for moments of happy joy
even in the midst of dad's worrisome hospital stay!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

And here we are...

Back in the ER...

Dad has struggled with days of fatigue, a worsening cough, and lungs that refuse to behave.  This has led us to back to familiar ground. 

But this time no pneumonia.  Cheers!

Just a complicated, frustrating, overwhelmingly intense COPD flare-up.  The kind where panic is written with each labored breath.

Grateful beyond measure that I just happened to be spending the night, but still reeling from the jarring, disorienting wake-up as dad called for me, past midnight, hoarse and frantic.  By the time I reached him, his lungs were closing, and his eyes spoke fear, suffocating and real.

As we rushed thru the darkened night to the closest ER, minutes, precious minutes, passed as dad struggled to hold on, the hissing of the oxygen tanks competing with the distressed wheezing of each ragged breath.

I found myself breathing with him... desperately willing oxygen into his starved lungs.

No prayers would come... Just Jesus, please.  Jesus.



And He was there.

I realized much later that His name was prayer in and of itself.  These times when our heartache, our cries, our desperation are the call He longs to answer... our groanings are the prayers spoken long and deep without words... just our broken, sobbing, mess of need...

And He hears.

"God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along.  If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans.  He knows us far better than we know ourselves... and keeps us present before God."
                                       ~ Romans 8:26-27, The Message

Jesus.  His name is all we need.  No, there wasn't a miraculous healing in that moment.  Dad's damaged lungs remained scarred and stiff.  But a Calm descended and from somewhere it steadied my voice and stressed commands gave way to soothing encouragement.  His breathing slowed and his eyes closed as he concentrated on the next breath...and the next...

There was a Presence that held us together.  And I know now it was His arms holding us close. 

Dad isn't out of the woods, but he is resting and breathing more comfortably in Room 201.   

Jesus.  Breathing His name in prayer.  And continuing to lift up Dad as the doctors tend his fragile lungs and give comfort in the days ahead...

Graced to call on the name of Jesus this day, for He promises always to meet us in our deepest need.


Friday, August 5, 2016

Do It Now

May there be no regrets at the end of this journey,,,

From my heart to yours...  {go live your best life}

Take that leap, cross the bridge, open your arms in spite of fear,
speak your heart, trust His plan...
and do it now, because sometimes later becomes... never

Journeying with Gratitude this day...

     ~ for second chances
     ~ for sunny skies
     ~ for a father who loves me
     ~ for doctors and nurses who work their craft with wisdom and compassion
     ~ for joy and hope in the midst of struggle
     ~ for family who hold the line when all around crumbles

Choosing Now over Never...

                                        My Love, Always,