Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Now It's Getting Personal...

When mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2010, I have to admit, I had no idea what the pancreas did. Nor how important that flat, little banana-shaped thing was.

Cancer, yes... that was a word we knew.  A word that filled us with fear and foreboding, spoken in hushed circles or simply not at all.

And yet, up to that point, no one we knew... not a single person, had ever been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

We had no touchstone... or yardstick...  by which to measure our fight.

Maybe that ignorance was a gift during those first few weeks.  For had we known the road we were facing, we just might have laid down in abject submission before the first treatment ever began...

These statistics are appalling!

And yet they were just statistics... until Pancreatic Cancer came to live at our house.

And then it became very, very personal.

This 31 Day Challenge series seeks to share the Truth About Cancer.  All Cancers. Our personal story will always be marred by pancreatic cancer's vicious assault. Yours may be Breast Cancer or Lung Cancer or Leukemia or Melanoma.  The Truth is there are options.

No matter what your cancer has claimed, there can be Hope from here on out.

I encourage each one to start the battle anew.  This very night.

Sit down, open your browser and begin preparing for the battle... Here are some of the websites we have found that may offer other options in that fight... Alternative, Integrated Therapies with track records you can compare to the Traditional or Conventional Methods... choosing the options that speak truth into your unique battle.

The Truth About Cancer

The Cancer Tutor

Cancer Crackdown

From this point forward, our study will focus on therapies and protocols for the pancreatic cancer patient.  It is the passion of our heart to lift, encourage and fight alongside the many diagnosed with this particular cancer.

We could never have imagined the way our life was going to turn out when we hit enter on that first blog post 5 years ago...  Nor the beautiful souls we would meet along the journey...

Like Cheryl and Glenn.  And Michele.  And Gayle.  And Ted.   And the Merimee family.  And Julie.  And Linda.  And so many, many more...  Each one in the fight of their lives... Each story forever marked with pancreatic cancer's telltale scars...

Tomorrow we begin breaking it down.  Are you ready?  Yes?!  We'll be studying The Gerson Therapy, the Essiac Tea Protocol, The Budwig Diet, The Hoxey Formula, Tomography, and Apricot Kernels just to name a few...

The fight is on!  Our stories no longer need be held hostage by cancer's tyrannical grip.  Choosing to step up to the plate instead of laying down in defeat changes everything...

Trusting in Grace Tonight,

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