Monday, October 3, 2016

The Truth Behind the Cancer Story

If you are here... reading this blog post, then I am guessing that cancer has touched your life in some way.

Perhaps you are scared.  And angry.  And overwhelmed.

And you just want someone to tell you what to do... how to make the nightmare go away...

We've been there.

Our doctors told us that Chemotherapy and Radiation were what we needed to do.  It was the only plan they had.

And mom trusted them.  But their plan failed.

I can only wish that a website like The Truth About Cancer would have been available to us 6 years ago.  Perhaps we would have been able to choose another plan.  A plan to cure the cancer that was eating up her body... A plan to survive the unsurvivable and triumph over the nightmare.

I may not be a conspiracy theorist, but I am 100% passionate about finding a cure for the uncurable.

A Cure for Cancer.  In our lifetime.  So that mothers and fathers and sons and daughters can choose to live another day well, raising their hands high in hallelujah for the precious gift of sharing love together for years to come.

We have that option today.  Integrated cancer therapy.  Choosing what works the best for each cancer case.

For some it will be chemotherapy, for others it may be hyperthermia heat therapy or perhaps targeted immunotherapy.

Today there are choices.  And anyone who has been diagnosed with cancer deserves to know what those choices are and to be given the right to choose the best plan of treatment for themselves.

If I can do anything through this 31 Day Challenge, it will be to encourage you to research hard, to ask tough questions and to never give up...

A great place to start is at The Truth About Cancer website I mentioned above.  It's founder, Ty Bollinger, is an ardent healthcare advocate.  After losing his mother and father to cancer as well as several other family members, he began a quest to learn all he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry.  He refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, with their very poor track record, were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. 

Ty and his team traveled the country and sat down with the foremost doctors, researchers, experts and survivors to discover their proven methods for preventing and treating cancer.  Out of this experience, his unprecedented docu-series was born...

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest

This was the series that I watched several months ago... the series that began to speak Hope to a broken heart.  The series that I am longing to share with you.

As Ty shares early on, one of the most remarkable discoveries he made on his quest is that the vast majority of all diseases (including cancer) can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery.

That is Hope.  Spoken loud and clear.

For every cancer patient.  For every family member.  For every loved one fighting this battle.

It is our rallying cry.  Preventing and Curing Cancer.  In our lifetime.

So as we move forward on this journey, we will be digging in deep to uncover the truths about cancer treatments, traditional, alternative, and integrated ... as well as sharing the stories of survivors who are offering hope of life lived well and free of cancer.

Graced to be journeying along this road together,


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