Monday, October 17, 2016

One Tiny Apricot Kernel

Several days ago we had a chance to meet Felicity Corbin Wheeler and learn about her pancreatic cancer fight.  She shares in detail about her treatments and one in particular is the use of B-17, also known to many as laetrile, or perhaps you would know it as the tiny but powerful Apricot Kernel.

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers has also walked the pancreatic cancer road with her father.  She too has much to say about the tiny Apricot Kernel.  Here's just a part of her story:

Apricot Kernels and Bitter Almonds Display Promising Effects

"In September of 1983 my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was dead in 6 weeks. I remember the anguish and the frustration as the medical doctors offered no hope. I had been in practice for only 3 years and the Internet was nonexistent back then. But I recall going to the library to do research about healing cancer without toxic drugs or radiation. I also called "cancer clinics" all over North America and Mexico, trying to find a solution to my father's illness.

Thus began my quest to understand how to heal and prevent cancer

One treatment that stood out at the time was Amygdalin, the product that is produced from crushed apricot pits.

Amygdalin is not to be confused with Laetrile, also known as B17, which is a semi-synthetic patented version of Amygdalin.
Laetrile and Amygdalin have been used successfully around the world for the reversal of many types of cancer. The Hunza tribes in the Himalayans are virtually cancer free, which some have attributed to their daily consumption of apricot pits and millet, both of which contain amygdalin.
The apricot pits contain a compound called glycosides which are a combination of sugar and cyanide. What takes place here is what we call selective toxicity. A specific enzyme that is produced in large quantities by cancer cells, triggers the sugar break down that releases the cyanide. The cyanide is what kills the cancer cells.
But why are healthy cells not affected by the cyanide? Healthy cells have a specific enzyme called rhodanese, which renders the cyanide harmless. How's that for another amazing healing miracle?
Another way that amygdalin affects cancer cells is that it inhibits angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood flow as the cancer cells are growing and forming a tumor. If the blood flow to the tumor is blocked, the cancer cells die.
Amygdalin also suppresses inflammatory responses which lead to multiple diseases, including cancer.
Specific studies have shown how amygdalin induces apoptosis or cell death in prostate cancer cells, human colon cancer cells and in leukemia cells.
Amygdalin even inhibits the growth of the Epstein-Barr virus, which often induces tumor growth. The anti-tumor promoting activity of amygdalin and other compounds was studied in both in vitro and in vivo assays.
While administered specifically for cancer treatment, a wonderful side effect is that amygdalin actually helps relieve the pain that is often associated with aggressive cancers.
Laetrile can be administered orally in pill form or it can be injected into a vein. Typically the administration of Laetrile is spread out over a period of time. Unfortunately, because of manipulation of laboratory studies conducted in the 70's, Amygdalin and Laetrile are not readily available in the United States.  After all, healing cancer patients with a low cost nutrient would spell disaster for the multi-billion dollar cancer industry.
There are literally hundreds of known plant based cancer cures that have saved countless of lives. Unfortunately the masses are not informed of the many non-toxic ways to heal the body. However, as web sites like continue to inform and educate, hopefully the tide will slowly turn in order to make these modalities part of a harmless cancer protocol.

("© [Article Date] GreenMedInfo LLC. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of GreenMedInfo LLC. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter here

And here is an excerpt from The Truth About Cancer that also details the possible option of including Apricot Kernels in the cancer fight:

"Dr. Ernest Krebs was a biochemist in the early 1950s whose desire to understand what makes cancer cells work led him to discover a possible key to overcoming the disease. Working on a hunch that cancer is ultimately a metabolic reaction to a poor diet, Krebs began studying the lifestyle habits of the Hunzas whose remote country is hidden near Northern Pakistan.

The Hunzas and Apricot Kernels

Major Sir Robert McCarrison wrote about the Hunzas back in the 1930s when he had a post with the Indian Medical Service. According to McCarrison, the Hunzas enjoyed near-perfect physical and mental health and some of them lived to be over 135 years old. There seemed to be no evidence of diabetes, obesity, or heart attacks among them as well. There was also no evidence of cancer.
What made the Hunzas so resilient? Their vitality had a lot to do with what they ate and their overall lifestyle. Their diet was simple. According to McCarrison, it consisted of raw milk, the occasional meat and bone broth, fresh grains and veggies. They ate very little sugar and their lifestyles as nomads and herders meant they got plenty of vigorous exercise. The other characteristic was that the group ate large quantities of apricot seed kernels. Intrigued by this peculiarity, Krebs researched until he found what he thought was the secret weapon for tumor eradication – amygdalin.

What is Amygdalin?

Amygdalin is a compound that is found in over 1200 edible plants in nature (and, not surprisingly, is also missing in large part from the Standard American Diet). It is found in the highest concentrations and with the most effective accompanying enzymes in apricot seed kernels.
The substance laetrile was created by Dr. Krebs as a concentrated form of amygdalin that is obtained by extracting it from apricot kernels. Amygdalin is a nitriloside and its structure most resembles that of a B complex vitamin, so Krebs named it B17.

What Makes Apricot Kernels a Cancer Killer?

Amygdalin found in apricot kernels and laetrile contains four potent substances: two of which are benzaldehyde and cyanide. You heard that right! Cyanide is one of the substances that makes apricot kernels a force to be reckoned with when it comes to beating cancer, including breast cancer.
Many healthy foods, such as bitter almonds, millet, sprouts, lima beans, spinach and bamboo shoots, actually have quantities of cyanide in them, yet they are still safe to eat. This is because the cyanide remains “locked” within the substance and is therefore harmless when bound within other molecular formations. In addition, rhodanese is an enzyme in the body whose job is to “catch” any free cyanide molecules that may have escaped and render them harmless.
Cancer cells are not normal cells, however; they contain beta-glucosidase, which healthy cells do not. Beta-glucosidase is also the “unlocking enzyme” for the cyanide and benzaldehyde in amygdalin molecules. When the beta-glucosidase in a cancer cell unlocks an amygdalin molecule, a toxic synergy is created that specifically targets cancer cells. With the help of rhodanese and other protective enzymes, healthy cells are not jeopardized by this process.

Laetrile: A Potentially Powerful Cancer Therapy

Laetrile was readily obtainable prior to 1971 when the FDA banned it in the US. Although it is not impossible to obtain laetrile, these days apricot kernels are the easiest way to ingest amygdalin. They are easy to obtain at health food stores or online and are also fairly inexpensive.
Clinics exist outside of the US where B17 or laetrile therapy is still administered. Laetrile is often used in addition to other therapies such as sodium bicarbonate.
If you feel that B17 therapy is the way to go for you, be sure to get the facts about dosage and possible side effects. Talk to your integrated medical practitioner about your particular situation.
While the mystery may remain as to the main cause for the Hunza’s amazing vitality, one thing is for certain: their simple and stress-free way of eating, working, interacting and moving their bodies have made them examples of the health that YOU are capable of having when you take proactive steps to heal your body naturally."

I can't echo the following sentiment strongly enough...

If you feel that B17 therapy is the way to go for you, be sure to get the facts about dosage and possible side effects. Talk to your integrated medical practitioner about your particular situation.

This 31 Day Challenge set out to explore all the options in the cancer fight.  It is not medical advice or even our personal medical experience.  Mom never made it out of her chemo/radiation treatment long enough to try any of the options listed here.  It will forever haunt us... but also drive us to fight for the cure.

Graced this night to be fighting hard with you.

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