Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rigvir... A Virus meant for Good?

It sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel.  A Star Trek-like medical miracle.  Inject a small amount of virus-rich serum into the patient and wait as it scouts out and attacks the cancer cells, leaving the host basically none the worse for wear... this cancer treatment sounds like a piece of cake!  

Is it even possible?

The Cancer Virotherapy Center says Yes!

It would seem that Virotherapy is ushering in a New Era in Cancer Treatment...

Starting to get just a little excited??

On the Cancer Virotherapy website this virus-attack method is described as "an effective cancer treatment that uses oncotropic and oncolytic (seek and destroy) virus with the ability of a virus to find and destroy malignant cells in the body. Virotherapy is gentle and safe treatment, it improves survival and quality of life of patients."

It is an exciting advance in the options for cancer patients and is definitely worth mentioning here on our 31 Day Challenge!

The developer of Rigvir, Aina Muceniece, shares his thoughts about the Rigvir treatment:

"To treat cancer with a virus is a fantastic idea which occurred in the beginning of the last century. Before the World War I, cancer was already treated with the rabies virus vaccine and other viruses. I managed to find a virus which is not dangerous for a man. Unlike the chemotherapy and the radiation therapy, this medicine does not leave such serious consequences in patient's organs."

And for a bit more in-depth explanation of the Rigvir treatment, here is an excerpt from Lee Euler at CancerDefeated:

"One of the world’s leading holistic cancer doctors, Tony Jimenez, M.D., was a featured speaker at the (Truth About Cancer) 2014 conference. He revealed a breakthrough in virotherapy, telling the audience: “You are the first people in the United States who are hearing this! This will blow your mind. I’ve never seen anything that produces results like this!”
The breakthrough is a “virotherapy” called Rigvir. It’s was developed in Latvia, where it has passed all phases of clinical trials on almost 2,000 patients. The results of the clinical trials are convincing and impressive. For example, stomach cancer patients in the control group had a 24 percent survival rate. The patients treated with Rigvir survived at double that rate –48 percent.
Rigvir was registered in Latvia in 2004 as an anti-cancer drug. A prominent Latvian oncologist disparaged Rigvir until he got cancer. After he used it to get rid of his cancer, he became one of Rigvir’s biggest cheerleaders.
Rigvir works on a wide variety of cancers including melanoma, colorectal, pancreatic, bladder, kidney, prostate, lung, uterine, lymphosarcoma, etc. It triggers an immune response and seeks and destroys cancer cells.
A virus that heals?
Viruses are harmful, right? Not always! Surprisingly, the Rigvir virus is found in the gut of healthy children. Rigvir is short for “Riga virus” — Riga being the capital of Latvia. Rigvir is a microscopic living organism with unique properties that kill tumors without hurting healthy cells.
After Rigvir invades the tumor cell, the virus replicates, causing the tumor cell to rupture and die. Rigvir breaks down cancer cells, stimulates the immune system to reject the tumor, and promotes apoptosis (programmed cell death, i.e., cancer cell suicide).
This is the polar opposite of chemotherapy drugs. Chemo impairs or destroys the immune system, while Rigvir boosts it.
Dr. Jimenez remarked, “I’ve been to 70 countries, and I’ve never seen a medicine that’s not a chemo drug that has so much research behind it. You can tell I’m pretty excited about Rigvir.”
Rigvir has none of the side effects of chemo. The only side effect that some people feel is a temperature of 99 degrees Fahrenheit that might last for three days. Concerning that side effect, Dr. Jimenez said, “Big deal.”
Dr. Jimenez decided to take Rigvir therapy for himself because it’s not harmful and because he thought it could benefit his health. He was already the picture of health and vitality before taking Rigvir. He said, “Within three days, tests showed a significant improvement in my immune system, which I thought was pretty good [in the first place]. This shows that we all have room for improvement in our immune system.” He didn’t get the mild, temporary fever side-effect.
Dr. Jimenez said, “Rigvir is a cancer medicine — a medication approved for cancer. It’s bionanotechnology — not an alternative, complementary medicine. It’s the most potent immune modulator I’ve ever seen.”

Maybe just a little excited??  Yes? {Me too!}
Grace and Hope mingle this night.  Praying for wisdom, discernment as we journey this cancer road... And Hope, Abundant Hope, to make light of the burdens we carry and lift our hearts to face the Son.

In Grace, Always,

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