Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Hoxsey Formula

Yesterday we got a glimpse into life after pancreatic cancer...

... abundant, health-full living... free of cancer.

Today we learn a little more about Pamela's treatment and dig into some nitty-gritty details! 

The therapy that was mentioned in Pamela's interview is called The Hoxsey Formula.

The formula used today has been around a long time... developed in the mid 1800's by Mr. Hoxsey.  And interesting to note, it actually began as a treatment for cancer in one of his horses.  What was a successful treatment in the equine field soon became a successful treatment for those of the human kind suffering with cancers, malignancies, and other inflammatory diseases.

The remedies and herbal therapies have been passed down through the years and are now offered at The Hoxsey BioMedical Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.

This excerpt from the Hoxsey Clinic website briefly explains the diagnostic and treatment methods used in their practice:

"The treatments available at Bio-Medical Center include natural herbs, special diet, vitamins and minerals, lifestyle counseling, positive attitude, and conventional medical treatments when indicated. Modern diagnostic methods include extensive laboratory analysis, X-rays, ultrasound, CT scans, and others as needed for your case. Once an accurate diagnosis has been made, the doctors will outline a special program that works to strengthen the impaired immune system. By rebalancing and normalizing your metabolism, the treatments at Bio-Medical Center give your body a chance to heal itself often without resorting to more toxic debilitating treatments."

Many would call this an integrated or holistic approach to healing the body of disease and cancer.

And Pamela would agree.  Their use of conventional methods along with the effective use of herbal, diet and lifestyle therapies seem to have made the difference in her pancreatic cancer fight.

In The Truth About Cancer, Ty shared his experience after visiting with the staff and doctors at the Hoxsey Biomedical Clinic.  The article is a worthy read, and goes into much more detail about The Hoxsey Formula and the premise behind its success... You can read it here.

In part, Ty shares that "...Hoxsey’s understanding of cancer was that it is a systemic disease created from metabolic imbalances that needed to be restored. His tonics were meant to help create homeostasis (internal stability), kill cancer cells, and remove the toxins created from killing cancer cells. This perspective is in line with almost all natural cancer treatments and practitioners.  Today, the BioMedical Center (just across the Mexican border from San Diego) has doctors that diagnose and prescribe only natural remedies in addition to Hoxsey’s tonics and salves. These natural cancer remedies include homeopathy, laetrile, Montana Yew extract, and dietary recommendations.  "

At one time, Harry Hoxsey operated throughout the United States and had, perhaps, one of the largest group of alternative cancer clinics.  However, over the years the American Medical Association (AMA) made several attempts to stop him from curing cancer patients, accusing him of practicing medicine without a license.

He won a libel lawsuit in 1950 against AMA head Morris Fishbein and the powerful Hearst Publications group, but not a decade later the FDA shut him down and that is when the Hoxsey Clinic moved to Tijuana, Mexico.

So, is The Hoxsey Formula the real deal?

Was he a quack?  Or a healer?

The testimonies of those his formula have healed is long and continues to grow.

The testimonies of those pancreatic cancer warriors that chemotherapy and radiation have healed is painfully short and is. not. growing.

Might the Hoxsey Formula be an option then in the pancreatic cancer fight?

Perhaps so...

For more in-depth information I would encourage you to head over to their website and research it until you can check it off the list or check it out in person:

The Hoxsey Biomedical Clinic

Could this be the option you are looking for? 

Love and Grace this night,

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