Friday, November 11, 2016

The Elaborate Conspiracy Theory?

I know this 31 Day Challenge hasn't been easy for some (me included)... 

I bet you're asking "If it is so good, then why haven't I heard of it before now?  Why isn't my doctor prescribing these successful therapies for my cancer?"

Right?  {Me too}

And here's the thing... I don't like conflict.  I hate debates.  I never win an argument.

So everything about this 31 Day Challenge on Alternative Therapies flies in the face of all that I am.


I am more passionate about finding a cure for pancreatic cancer than I am about being politically correct or making someone that I don't know happy.

Through these last 5 years with the website and this blog, we have "met" hundreds of pancreatic cancer patients and their loved ones.

Roughly 99.9% are using conventional, traditional therapies to fight their cancer.

Less than 1% of those we've met on this pancreatic cancer journey will survive the onslaught with conventional treatment.

I am slowly waking up to the fact that conventional, traditional therapies, those Gold Standard Treatments, are failing the pancreatic cancer patient, simply failing in the most horrendous of ways.

And so, when you ask "If it's so good, then why haven't I heard of it?"

My answer is, now you have.

These are options.  Not mandates.  Take the time to research, ask questions, seek answers...

The Truth About Cancer documentary resonated deeply for me.  Perhaps it will for you as well.

Chris Wark at Chris Beat Cancer shares the following:

"For anyone who says, “You can’t use anecdotal evidence” or “You were just lucky”, or “How dare you question science-based medicine” or “Shame on you for telling people not to do chemo”  etc.

... There are two ways we can learn. We can learn from scientific research and we can learn from experience, our own experience and the experiences of others. This is why survivors stories which are often dismissed as “anecdotal” should never be ignored. In my opinion survivors trump science.

I find it funny how critics of me, who claim to be all about science-based medicine, describe me as “lucky”.

Really? Lucky? What branch of science is luck exactly?

Newsflash: Using the word “luck” in a scientific argument makes a very weak argument.

So no, I haven’t been lucky. “Luck” is a shallow, unscientific, godless view on life. It has no place in scientific discussion.

Science is not truth. It is a method of discovery. It is man’s attempt to understand the infinite complexities of the universe that God created. And while man’s knowledge and understanding has certainly expanded throughout human history, at no point in history has the totality of science ever been correct. There is vigorous debate within the scientific community on thousands of points. Science is full of errors, unknowns, and in some cases deliberate fraud when specific outcomes benefit the researchers. Pharmaceutical science is the worst in this regard. When billions of dollars of profit are at stake, you better believe there’s some fraud going on. Google the term “publication bias” and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Scientific “truth” is constantly changing, because we are constantly discovering new things.
Science is not a religion to be worshipped. Believing in science is like believing in the weather. Today it’s sunny and 70 degrees in Memphis, but what’s true today will not be tomorrow. As much as the scientific community claims to understand about cancer and the human body, they still really don’t understand it at all. If they did, they could cure every cancer every time.

Science-based medicine is deception.

Touting conventional medicine as “science-based medicine” or “evidence-based medicine” is industry propaganda for the masses. Conventional science-based medicine is most accurately described as “patent-based medicine” or “profit-based medicine”, because it only includes scientific research that leads to patented highly-profitable pharmaceutical drugs.

Over many decades, thousands of published peer-reviewed scientific studies on nutritional science and lifestyle medicine have been largely ignored by the medical and pharmaceutical industry, despite the fact that these studies perpetually demonstrate that the leading causes of death (heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.) can be prevented and reversed through simple diet and lifestyle changes. So yeah, there’s a whole lot of science you aren’t hearing about. FYI: Some of the top nutritional science MDs of our day are Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Dr. John McDougall, Dr. Neal Banard, Dr. Dean Ornish, and Dr. Michael Greger, just to name a few. Again, there are over 40 scientific journals devoted to nutritional science!

Nature exists in perfect order.

The human body, just like nature, is Intelligently Designed to work in perfect order.
You have trillions of cells in your body, each cell is more complex that anything man has made!
Do you think that these trillions of cells work together in perfect harmony on accident, by chance?
Cancer is the body’s NATURAL response to overwhelming toxicity and suppressed immune function.

It is the body’s brilliant attempt to save your life.
The earth was created for us by God.
Everything the body needs to thrive and heal can be found in nature, specifically whole plant and animal foods from the earth.

The body is designed to heal.

Look at Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.That’s a SCIENTIFIC LAW OF NATURE, just like gravity.

Only by working WITH gravity can man fly. Any attempt to ignore or defy gravity will result in failure.

When you go against the Laws of Nature you will reap sickness in your body.
When you abide by the Laws of Nature you give your body the ability to heal.

What I am doing here on this site is intentional.

If you do even the smallest amount of research you will find that chemotherapy is for the most part ineffective in curing most epithelial (solid-tumor) cancers. The cancers that it does work pretty well for are childhood leukemia, CLL, testicular cancer, and lymphomas. This information is on my site and it abounds in hundreds of published medical industry studies. Go to pubmed and learn something from the scientific evidence that you have not seen.

When an oncologist tells a patient that their particular cancer has been shown to “respond” to a particular drug, what that really means is it that the drug has shown to shrink tumors. That’s it. No remission. No cure. Just tumor shrinkage. That’s what the industry calls “responding”. Look it up!
Every oncologist knows this, but most are trapped in a system that pays them HIGH six figures to keep doing exactly what they are doing, despite the dismal results.

There are many courageous MDs who have left the brutal and barbaric “cut poison burn” cancer treatment and are getting phenomenal results. Dr Nicholas Gonzalez, Dr. James Forsythe, Dr. Leigh Erin Conneally, and Dr. Rashid Buttar, just to name a few.

Nutrition and natural therapies will NEVER be used instead of pharmaceutical drugs. For one simple reason: They cannot be patented and are not profitable. Wake up ! There are over 1,000 drug company lobbyists in Washington DC alone. It’s a conspiracy of greed with continued concerted effort to maintain control over a trillion dollar medical industry.

With the exception of trauma care, the entire medical industry is built on three lies: that you have no control over your health, that you are essentially a victim of good or bad luck, and that you cannot heal yourself."

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In Chris' opinion, Survivors Trump Science... I think I would have to agree.  This 31 Day series is not some elaborate conspiracy theory, but an honest look at what is working in the field of pancreatic cancer treatment...

And that has been my desire these past weeks, to share the pancreatic cancer success stories.  To share their therapies and treatment plans.  To give you options in the fight.

To allow Hope to rise up...

It has been grace to travel this 31 Day Challenge with you, exploring The Truth About Cancer... Praying your journey continues on to places of Beauty, of Healing and of Hope.

My Love, Always,

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