Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Guiding Principles, Part 1

The China Study is an incredibly detailed accounting of Dr. Campbell's life work.  A study of how nutrition and disease are completely entwined.  After four decades of dedicated testing, research and complex, peer-reviewed studies, Dr. Campbell shares his revolutionary data in The China Study.

The lessons learned have been distilled down into 8 Guiding Principles...

Principle 1

Nutrition represents the combined activities of countless food substances.  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Jane-speak:  Our bodies are amazing.  We have been created to pull nutrients from whole foods in an infinitely complex process. The astounding network of digestive cells we each possess can derive maximal benefit from whole foods just as they are found in nature.  No processing necessary!

Principle 2

Dietary supplements are not a panacea for good health.

Jane-speak:  Vitamins and mineral tablets, powders and liquids are no substitute for good, old-fashioned whole food.  In simpler words, a pill cannot overcome the dangers of a diet filled with unhealthy, processed, red meat, sugary, fast-food meals.

Principle 3

There are virtually no nutrients in animal-based foods that are not better provided by plants.

Jane-speak:  This principle came as a light-bulb moment when I began working through my high cholesterol issues.  More on that early next week... But it is truly amazing to think that all the nutrients we need can be found in plants.  Hard to accept when we're so in love with Big Macs and Super-Size Fries!

Principle 4

Genes do not determine disease on their own.

Jane-speak:  While it is true that the origin of every disease is genetic, it is also true that nutrition plays a crucial role in determining which genes, good or bad, are expressed.  So, a good whole food diet can be incredibly helpful in keeping errant genes dormant.  And that is a really good thing where cancer genes are concerned!

Stay tuned... More China Study insights tomorrow... Each principle will be put into practice in the coming weeks as we dig into the whole-food, plant-based diet that Dr. Campbell advocates.

And yes!  We are getting to the heart of this incredible diet.  I'm praying that you are beginning to feel hope rising.  There are lessons to be learned from Dr. Campbell's work... extraordinary lessons for better health, less disease, and a way to take back the life we long to live!

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