Thursday, October 12, 2017

Guiding Principles, Part 2

...And we continue with the lessons learned from Dr. Campbell's China Study...

Principle 5

Nutrition can substantially control the adverse effects of noxious chemicals.

Jane-speak:  This one is huge! Follow me here... there is a widely held perception that cancer is caused by toxic chemicals, think artificial sweetners, aflatoxin, nitrites, etc...  I believe we are looking for a scapegoat, a reason we got cancer... but Dr. Campbell and his team uncovered a startling truth in their studies:  the toxin that may initiate cancer is controlled be nutrients we eat.  A whole-food, plant-based diet can actually repress the chemical activity (cancer growth) of said toxin. Go to Principle 6 for an even more radical revelation.

Principle 6

The same nutrition that prevents disease in its early stages (before diagnosis) can also halt or reverse disease in its later stages (after diagnosis).

Jane-speak:  The same good nutrition maximizes health at every stage of a disease.  Research has found that many chronic diseases, including cancer, can take years to develop.  So, if you are doomed to get cancer, or suffer heart disease or become diabetic does it really make any difference what you eat?  The answer is a resounding Yes!  A whole-food, plant-based diet has shown amazing results in reversing advanced heart disease, helping diabetics get off medication and even reversing early stage cancers.  That is radical!

Principle 7

Nutrition that is truly beneficial for one chronic disease will support health across the board.

Jane-speak:  You don't need a different diet to reverse heart disease and a different diet to protect against cancer or a different diet to undo diabetic damage.  One simple dietary change can maximize health for diseases across the board:  a whole-food, plant-based diet.  Extraordinarily simple!

Principle 8

Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence.  All parts are interconnected.

Jane-speak:  We are what we eat.  Our food choices have an incredible impact on not only our metabolism, but also our energy levels, our emotional and mental well-being, and most importantly how our bodies respond and react to disease.  All of these seemingly separate areas are inexplicably intertwined. 

These 8 Guiding Principles provide a solid foundation for Dr. Campbell's work on nutrition and disease.  There is an undeniable link between a whole-food, plant-based diet and improved health.

Getting excited yet?  It is so empowering to know that we can make a positive difference in our own health.  Are you ready to dig into the whole-food, plant-based diet we keep talking about???

Yes!  Me too... Whole-food, Plant-based Diet Coming Up!!

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