Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Bees, Knees and a Wee, Little Cruise!

What a busy season this has been... Taking a minute to catch up on all the news... and then back on track with spreading hope for the pancreatic cancer journey.

Over the past few months, the Farmer has had some knee swelling and pain... rest and ibuprofen weren't enough.  The doctor confirmed a torn meniscus and scheduled surgery this month past.

So off we go to prepare for a knee repair day surgery, a little downtime, a bit of therapy, and hopefully a knee that will be as good as new soon... But not before smoke interrupted our plans!

Fire at the Creek!

We were too discombobulated to take pictures of the angry flames and billowing smoke... with the blustery wind and dry brush of a spring not yet in bloom, we had scary visions of the fire climbing the hill to our very new and "made-of logs" cabin!

We are very, very thankful for the fast response of our tiny, rural volunteer fire department!  They are rock-stars!

The burn area was safely confined to the creek bottom!

So, crisis averted, off we go to clean up and get back to the business of the Farmer's knee surgery.

And then a Wee, Little Cruise with Poppy and the family to recuperate!

A relaxing Cruise to tropical ports of call is the best medicine!  Just sayin'... :-)

Throw in some fabulous fun with family and life is good!

Now, we're back home with our nose to the grindstone... Lol!

Oh!  And the Bees?  Yes, we have become new BeeKeepers!

The bees are a great addition to the homestead, and we are looking forward to a sweet, golden reward come late summer!  A neighboring Bee Keeper has been mentoring us and the education has been amazing... More on the Bee Journey in days to come!

We are Graced to be Home, more than grateful for each and every Blessing along the way,

Love, Always,

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