Sunday, May 6, 2018

Living with Pancreatic Cancer

Be kind to every one you meet.

It is more true every day that I live... For everyone is bearing burdens, some harder than we can even imagine...

Cally Adams is an oncology nurse and she knows about cancer.  In the twisted way of life, her sister, Sarah, was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  Cally has been by her side throughout treatment, and not long ago, she shared her heart in such a transparent way.  The resilience, the shock, the love and the heartache.  Oh and it just breaks me... if pancreatic cancer has touched you, then perhaps you have walked in her shoes and  know what it means to be living with purpose and intent even in the midst of the nightmare...

"I know what it’s like to feel like you’re in a nightmare every single day. And that somehow, between feeling like you’re living a nightmare and hoping for a miracle, you are supposed to continue to work, pay bills, eat well, exercise, sleep well, be kind and understanding of others and their needs, answer texts and phone calls, keep people updated, make appointments and keep them, be a good wife and mom to your toddler – and oh, put a smile on your face even when your heart is breaking."

                                                                               ~ Cally Adams

Living under the black mantle of pancreatic cancer brings a heaviness, a bleakness, that few talk about.  Sometimes there are no words... just shoulders to lean on and arms to hold... And the pain is not exclusive to the cancer warrior.  So many are walking out the grief of other battles... perhaps the shadow of divorce, or an child's addiction, or the wrenching loss of a loved one...

Lifting up all the Sarah's and the Cally's and the loved ones fighting these Battles. Every. Single. Day.  May there be Light and Grace and Hope to carry you through the Heartache.

You do not battle alone.


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