Friday, October 5, 2018

Defying Pancreatic Cancer and Embracing Life

Stories of Love come in all sizes and shapes.

No one ever expects cancer to derail life's plans.  We can vouch for that!

Terri was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January of 2014.  Along with the diagnosis came the dismal prognosis of 6-12 months to live.

Would you like to see where she is today??

In June of this year, she embarked on a cross-country trip to visit 20 National Parks... she took her fight to the great outdoors and has simply defied the odds.

Hers is a story of taking the bumps in the road and making the best of the trip. It is embracing life and choosing Hope and Goodness over Fear and Despair.

Traveling with a terminal cancer is never easy and Terri has had to be flexible with planning, but she has accomplished much and the Beauty she has seen on this trip is almost as Beautiful as the smile on her face.

Near the end of the summer, Terri began experiencing some increasing pain in her abdomen.  They made it to the last National Park on their list - Great Sand Dunes - but had to cut short the trip by 6 days so Terri could return home for more aggressive chemo treatment.

Terri has journaled her story, including some awesome photo albums, at The Journey Girlz blog and website.

She shares the struggle because, although she is a very private person, she wants other cancer patients to know that despite the bumps in the road, you can still embrace life and live it to the fullest.  She said that had there been more stories like hers when she was first diagnosed, she would have felt more hopeful and inspired.  I could not have said it better!

So grateful for her adventurous spirit.  You are Brave!  You are Strong!  You are Loved!

Prayers in Abundance for Terri tonight,

In Grace, Always,

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