Saturday, March 2, 2019

Moving past Fear

What do you do when Fear has you paralyzed?  The unspeakable... the tragic... the living nightmares...

Fear can stop a heart.

A cancer diagnosis does that.  It can simply stop you in your tracks.  The fear, the unknowns, sheer dread of the outcome... the panic cripples...

And how do you ever move past the fear?

Take a breathe... then take a step.

This principle served mom well throughout her cancer journey.  From the moment she heard the diagnosis, to the debilitating treatments she endured, this mantra gave her the permission to just take the next step.

She told me that if she allowed herself to look too far into the future, knowing the harrowing side effects of the chemo and radiation, she wouldn't be able to do it.  But by taking a breath and just taking the next step... one day at a time, she could endure.  And not only endure, but live life well for that day.

It reminded me of the oft-quoted joke, "How do you eat an elephant?"  {}  "One Bite at a Time... One Bite at a Time."

There is truth there.  

Whether it's a cancer diagnosis, a financial calamity, a spouse's betrayal, or a child's heartbreak... fear can consume and paralyze us.

Take that breath.

Then take a step.

Just last week our pastor closed his sermon with a challenge that spoke volumes to this heart:

"Do not ask the Lord to Guide your Footsteps
if you are not Willing to Move your Feet."

Amen and Amen...

Graced to take that breath,
and move forward past the fear
into God's unfailing Promises.

Love, Always,

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