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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

365 Days of Gratitude

So honored to be a contributor in this new book...

Celebrating the power of gratitude, this little book packs a punch.  There is an encouraging thought for each day of the year and with each inspiring message, the light of hope grows brighter.

Hope. It has been the theme of our lives since cancer hi-jacked our journey... for the Giving of Thanks alone has buried the despair and birthed a Hope that has carried us through the dark.

The 365 Days of Gratitude project has been so timely in my own life.   I need these daily reminders that we all have much to give thanks for.  And this isn't some Pollyanna kind of excessively cheerful, overly optimistic thanks-giving.  It's in the trenches, gritting your teeth, staring down death, where do you find hope here, giving-thanks-is-a-choice kind of gratitude.  

It is steadfast resolve.  It is hard.  And it is the only way to navigate the dark. When we choose gratitude over despair, it lights the way for the next step... And don't we all need some light when our path is hard?  Perhaps the words and message might offer hope for your journey as well. It is my prayer for you, no matter where this night finds you... don't give up.  There is Hope, and Life, and Grace for our days in the Thanksgiving.

Celebrating 365 Days of Gratitude is available now on Amazon.

Much Love,

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