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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday Dad!

May the fishing always be good, and the birthdays even better! Love You Always!!

Unfortunately, even Birthday Celebrations can't stop doctor visits and chemo infusions. Today, mom was busy with both.

We started with a visit to her surgeon this morning, and plans are now in the works to surgically implant another medi-port  this coming Monday. Several weeks of standard iv lines up and down her arms have reinforced our hearty endorsement of this medical marvel!

Then we followed up with a visit to Dr. Davis, her oncologist. Bloodwork was drawn, weight checked, and blood pressure monitored. I would love to say all are in ideal ranges, but... RBC and Hemoglobin are still a little low and her weight has dropped to 106. Blood Pressure, however, was great! And so were the WBC and Platelets. Enough so that Dr. Davis was ready to continue the Gemzar chemo today. Off to the chemo lab. Round #1 Gemzar cycle has begun.

As before, they pre-dosed mom with Kytril and Decadron, our favorite anti-nausea, steroid duo, and gave her a bag of fluids. All very welcome, as mom's nausea has been increasing steadily for the last two days, along with 2 bouts of vomiting. Praying these meds help settle the stomach and make her more comfortable. We opted for a note of positive thinking on our way home and got Olive Garden To Go for Dad's Birthday Dinner (thanks Steve, the Gift Card was well appreciated!) And so far, so good. Chicken Marsala is a hit!

A busy, productive day makes for a tired mom, so now it's off to bed for much needed rest and some delightfully sweet dreams of Tuscan villas and sleepy vineyards at sunset. Wow... that Chicken Marsala was really good!!

Happy, Happy Birthday Dad! Consider yourself loved and hugged!

Always yours, Jane

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