When the Pancreatic Cancer diagnosis comes, it can feel like your whole world is crashing down around you. A nightmare you just can't escape.
We know. The ensuing years have not even begun to erase the memories of those first few days and weeks living under the dark cloud of cancer.
I remember the irrational panic, it was just a deep, smothering desperation, an immobilizing fear... a fear that we would lose this life-and-death battle. A battle we were so ill-prepared to fight...
Those early days of facing the formidable foe of pancreatic cancer have become an integral part of our family's story. But they are just a part of the story. The days that followed the diagnosis and the grace that carried us through the journey are what really count.
Which brings me to the 31 Day Challenge. Every year, in the month of October The Nester sounds a challenge to the blogging world... A challenge to write for 31 Days on a topic of our own choosing ...
For me, there was no question. Pancreatic Cancer is a beast that is tearing families lives apart with a relentless cruelty... I know there are some out there even today just getting the news. Their journey has only begun. And despite the paralyzing fear, decisions are being asked of them, decisions they may not know how to make...
We were there. We understand the beyond-difficult task stretching out before them. And so, for the next 30 days, I would be humbled to share our journey, the story that I wished with all my heart we could have read when mom was first diagnosed.
It is a map of our journey. An encouragement to all who follow along on this cancer road.
Might you find some small piece of hope to carry with you on the journey. It would be my pleasure to travel together. Join me? In Grace, Always,
Day 1 - Mapping the Journey
Day 2 - A Very Rude and Un-Welcome House Guest...
Day 3 - Just Breathe
Day 4 - Putting on Our Game Face...
Day 5 - Pit Stop Sunday...Gratitude
Day 6 - Viva la Italia or How to Find a Cancer Doctor...
Day 7 - The Real Pancreatic Cancer Statistics...with Hope
Day 8 - Meeting our Goliath
Day 9 - Traditional vs. Alternative
Day 10 - Gemzar... the Gold Standard of Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Day 11 - Same Team! Same Team!
Day 12 - Pit Stop Sunday...The Power of Togetherness
Day 13 - This Trojan Horse Packs a Wollop!
Day 14 - More is Better!
Day 15 - Bible Drill Jeopardy or What are the Lesser Chemos?
Day 16 - Radiation Therapy - Is It Right for Everyone?
Day 17 - Fainting Students, Bellowing Bulls and theWhipple...
Day 18 - Finding a Chink in the Armor...
Day 19 - Pit Stop Sunday...HOPE
Day 20 - Back Roads and the Journey Less Traveled...
Day 21 - The Budwig Diet Protocol
Day 22 - The Gerson Therapy
Day 23 - The Ketogenic Diet... And a Very Important Update
Day 24 - Immunotherapies, Vaccines... And Clinical Trials
Day 25 - Vitamins and Pancreatic Cancer
Day 26 - Pit Stop Sunday...Life Lessons
Day 27 - Tea Anyone?
Day 28 - Graviola and PawPaw
Day 29 - Barley Life
Day 30 - Mapping the Best Plan for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Day 31 - So hard to find the finish line...
Bonus Day - Redeeming the Broken Road...
This series, Mapping the Journey, is for general health information only. Information in this series is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any health condition or problem. Users of it should not rely on information provided here for their own health problems. Any questions regarding your own health should be addressed to your own physician or other healthcare provider.
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