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Friday, February 28, 2025

Hope in the Midst of Heartbreak...

"We must remember that the worst thing is not the last thing."

These words were spoken at a child's funeral.  They hung in the air.  Hearts absolutely wreaked.

The loss that pierced hearts that day was surely the worst thing... the pain and grief unimaginable. 

And yet, the pastor spoke Hope into the midst of the heartache. A reminder to take the longview.  Turning our eyes towards eternity. The worst thing is never the last thing for the believer.

There are those that speak this truth so much better than I...

“The worst isn't the last thing about the world. It's the next to the last thing. The last thing is the best. It's the power from on high that comes down into the world, that wells up from the rock-bottom worst of the world like a hidden spring. Can you believe it? The last, best thing is the laughing deep in the hearts of the saints, sometimes our hearts even. Yes. You are terribly loved and forgiven. Yes. You are healed. All is well.”

― Frederick Buechner, The Final Beast

It is Hope, Eternal... and we all need that reminder...

The last thing is the best!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Willing Hands...

We're all just walking each other home ...

When we have the power to lift another,
it is a blessed gift.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Today and Everyday...


We have been more than blessed by so many through the years.  And never so much as during the days leading up to the Christmas we laid mom to rest.  The arms that held us were love itself, the hands and feet of Christ in the midst of our deepest grief...

Choosing today that love and peace and joy will direct our steps long past the carols and lights and gifts of this season.

Sending hope to each this night,

May the Christmas light live in you every time you let God love others through you!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Autumn Come Soon!

 I know it's Fall y'all, but the Texas weather just isn't cooperating!

It's hard to celebrate sweater weather when it's in the 90's! lol!

So... enjoying some crisp Autumn moments however we can...

Happy Fall!!
May the season bring Blessings in Abundance!

My Love,

Monday, July 29, 2024

Stop Cancer Naturally

 There's a new documentary out... Stop Cancer Naturally!

I've signed up for it and am looking forward to hearing what the experts have uncovered...

Because, to be honest, the statistics aren't in our favor.  Cancer rates have been rising for more than 50 years. In fact, if you have a friend there is a good chance that one of you will be diagnosed with some form of cancer.  

Truly, with a 1 in 2 chance of being diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime, this documentary could open up options for treatment that our doctors aren't talking about.  It's a side of healing that not everyone will embrace, but when your back is up against the wall and conventional therapies aren't working, it's time to explore another side to healing.

Check out the information here at Stop Cancer Naturally and join me August 13th to watch the interviews that could change the way you approach a cancer diagnosis.

I believe that our bodies were created with an amazing capacity to heal.  Armed with the right knowledge we can choose to stop harming our bodies and provide the conditions needed to begin repairing the cells and organs naturally.

Excited to hear these experts share what they've learned, but as always, this documentary and the information shared is not a substitute for the advice or care from your medical team.

Never stopping the fight... seeking answers, praying for wisdom and waiting for the day that a cancer diagnosis will be a thing of the past.

My Love,

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Finding Rest When the Journey is Long

The cancer journey brings with it a constant reminder that despite our best efforts or plans, bad things happen.

And yet, God longs to direct our steps...even in the hard.

He longs to give us rest, a sleep born of a deep peace...even in the turmoil.

When was the last time you truly rested?

Like, really allowed your body (and mind) to relax into peace?

Rest. It's not just a period of inactivity, but a fall into the mercies of God.  Learning to trust God's plans, His purpose, His peace...despite all the ill we face.

That is probably the biggest lesson we learned on mom's cancer journey.  Learning to trust God and to embrace the time He has gifted us.  Being able to settle into the slower, easier rhythms of family, of time together, laughter, and yes, even the heartache... but resting fully into the time He's given.

That kind of soul-deep rest allowed my heart to find a different kind of quiet, a peace in spite of the pain, a trust that God truly cares for me (I Peter 5:7)

It was a letting go of the hurry, the busy-ness, the overwhelm... and letting God shoulder the burden.

That is the rest I long for you to find.  Even in the midst of the cancer heartache you're in.  God is not far.

Praying grace tonight for each one battling on this hard, hard journey.  May you lean into the mercies of God and find rest.

My Love, Always,

Monday, May 27, 2024

A Memorial Day Memory...

His name is Caleb Lufkin.  He was serving in Iraq in the spring of 2006 when an explosive device hit his Humvee.  He was 24 years old...

His story could be told a thousand times over in the lives of so many service men and women throughout the years.  But Gratitude runs deeper for the heart-ache this one soldier leaves in his wake, for...

His mother is our cousin, Marcy.

Caleb is one of our own.  His sacrifice was ultimate...for our Freedom.
His loss sears our very hearts.

May we always remember that
Freedom is never Free.
Thank you, to each and every Veteran for your Ultimate Sacrifice...
your devotion to God and Country, steadfast and honorable,
an inspiration and a gift.

And thank you to the family, friends and loved ones whose sacrifice continues to this day.
We honor your loss and your heart-ache...
May God shower Blessings of Abundance on you,
Moments of Peace, Memories of Love, Mercy-Gifts of Hope